Sunday, February 18, 2018

temperament notes 2012

Anonmist was recorded 2007/2008.
Temperamancy I and II was 2009.
Scala (the wonderful microtonal software!) files were imported in Rapture running on Vista
with Cakewalk Sonar 6 Studio Edition.
Luckily I found an old laptop with Vista parameters to reinstall
the old Cakewalk version that supported Rapture with Scala importing.
These are meant as EXPERIMENTAL scales.  The Temperamancy scales
are slightly different than the Anonmist scales. The Temperamancy
scales are either Round* or II* in prefix.  The rest are Anonmist.
The Anonmist scales are based off of light frequencies, chemicals,
molecular ratios and anything abstract or natural as you can see.
NOTE: The low pitch noise is the result of the MIDI SCALE.
Because of the nature of SCALA-created scales, the MIDI range of the
STAFF may or may not represent the pitches.  A 1000 note scale would
not be properly represented, for instance.  It is okay. The idea is
that many variations could be produced by overlapping samples and
scales within RAPTURE and lots of unique stuff could be done. 
The STAFF on each example is the same.  It is 16th notes ascending
and descending the entire MIDI range capable on the Sonar 6 SE STAFF.
Indeed it is as though the scales are descending and ascending.  This is
because of the nature of producing very experimental scales within SCALA.
Furthermore, as I have progressed, I no longer rely on the SCALA style
of logarithmic scale production with an A=xxxHZ correspondence. 
With satisfactory experimentation beyond what was necessary to be certain,
I have arrived at the conclusion that a frequency-based all inclusive
pitch serialism is of higher quality in TEMPERAMANCY calculation.
This generates more questions than answers, but with time all answers
can be concluded in order to bring a precise flow to the entire world of
polyphonic infinitude.

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