Sunday, February 18, 2018

Tarot's Anagram Formulae

Tarot's origins are well documented to be unknowable at this point. Unless I take on the task to uncover those things, at this point it is certainly uncertain. Do not worry about the supposed origins of something that is eternal and full of clues as to the existence of higher intelligences throughout the universe(s). One of the main discrepencies that one will encounter is the proposed origins of the word, Tarot. It is granted that many similar words will share similar origins. That would not necessarily link them into a direct history. But those sort of matters are what the current materialist world-at-large would ponder without being enlightened. For those of us who are magicians and do not consider anything but the Now as being the totality of All Being, then we do not need much proof of a supposed factual history. And to get caught up in these things is Maya (Illusion). With this document I will show you that the word Tarot is a magical formula in itself. Notwithstanding, this is not meant to be the end-all for studies in any direction, but will serve as a tool for optimum growth in the mystical, living Rota wheel at which all time is surrounded.

Now pay attention:


Shall I stop here and let you finish the rest of them?
The more experienced will already know.
All right let's look at some more possibilities.


God names. Ra-Tot (Ra-Thoth), Thoth-Ra, and more obscure ones, to be discovered or re-discovered.

The problem is that someone out there may want to make a table of all permutations and then systematically try to uncover all of these proposed formulaic God-names of Tarot. It will most likely fail to do it that way. Must I explain why? Well, simply to know the God-names or Formulas and mentally invoke them or enchant them somehow may not actually uncover them. I suggest being very careful and not to approach these potential discoveries unaided with your already known God-helpers, such as Ra and Thoth (who are exoteric guardians of the Book of Rota, ie Tarot).

To me it does not matter if I were to go through the entire canon of permutations because clearly some would be too Plutonic in nature or otherwise dangerous to bother with. Not that I would recommend against trying anything that you so desire.

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