Sunday, February 18, 2018

temperament notes 2012

Anonmist was recorded 2007/2008.
Temperamancy I and II was 2009.
Scala (the wonderful microtonal software!) files were imported in Rapture running on Vista
with Cakewalk Sonar 6 Studio Edition.
Luckily I found an old laptop with Vista parameters to reinstall
the old Cakewalk version that supported Rapture with Scala importing.
These are meant as EXPERIMENTAL scales.  The Temperamancy scales
are slightly different than the Anonmist scales. The Temperamancy
scales are either Round* or II* in prefix.  The rest are Anonmist.
The Anonmist scales are based off of light frequencies, chemicals,
molecular ratios and anything abstract or natural as you can see.
NOTE: The low pitch noise is the result of the MIDI SCALE.
Because of the nature of SCALA-created scales, the MIDI range of the
STAFF may or may not represent the pitches.  A 1000 note scale would
not be properly represented, for instance.  It is okay. The idea is
that many variations could be produced by overlapping samples and
scales within RAPTURE and lots of unique stuff could be done. 
The STAFF on each example is the same.  It is 16th notes ascending
and descending the entire MIDI range capable on the Sonar 6 SE STAFF.
Indeed it is as though the scales are descending and ascending.  This is
because of the nature of producing very experimental scales within SCALA.
Furthermore, as I have progressed, I no longer rely on the SCALA style
of logarithmic scale production with an A=xxxHZ correspondence. 
With satisfactory experimentation beyond what was necessary to be certain,
I have arrived at the conclusion that a frequency-based all inclusive
pitch serialism is of higher quality in TEMPERAMANCY calculation.
This generates more questions than answers, but with time all answers
can be concluded in order to bring a precise flow to the entire world of
polyphonic infinitude.

Tarot's Anagram Formulae

Tarot's origins are well documented to be unknowable at this point. Unless I take on the task to uncover those things, at this point it is certainly uncertain. Do not worry about the supposed origins of something that is eternal and full of clues as to the existence of higher intelligences throughout the universe(s). One of the main discrepencies that one will encounter is the proposed origins of the word, Tarot. It is granted that many similar words will share similar origins. That would not necessarily link them into a direct history. But those sort of matters are what the current materialist world-at-large would ponder without being enlightened. For those of us who are magicians and do not consider anything but the Now as being the totality of All Being, then we do not need much proof of a supposed factual history. And to get caught up in these things is Maya (Illusion). With this document I will show you that the word Tarot is a magical formula in itself. Notwithstanding, this is not meant to be the end-all for studies in any direction, but will serve as a tool for optimum growth in the mystical, living Rota wheel at which all time is surrounded.

Now pay attention:


Shall I stop here and let you finish the rest of them?
The more experienced will already know.
All right let's look at some more possibilities.


God names. Ra-Tot (Ra-Thoth), Thoth-Ra, and more obscure ones, to be discovered or re-discovered.

The problem is that someone out there may want to make a table of all permutations and then systematically try to uncover all of these proposed formulaic God-names of Tarot. It will most likely fail to do it that way. Must I explain why? Well, simply to know the God-names or Formulas and mentally invoke them or enchant them somehow may not actually uncover them. I suggest being very careful and not to approach these potential discoveries unaided with your already known God-helpers, such as Ra and Thoth (who are exoteric guardians of the Book of Rota, ie Tarot).

To me it does not matter if I were to go through the entire canon of permutations because clearly some would be too Plutonic in nature or otherwise dangerous to bother with. Not that I would recommend against trying anything that you so desire.

alice bailey complete works

Thursday, February 15, 2018

New Moon Tarot Cleansing

New Moon Tarot Cleansing
The Tarot cards are little magnets.  If you have noticed that they need ritual cleansing, the New Moon is a perfect time to do the task.  Any other time is all right as well, such as the Full Moon, but the New Moon is ideal for its ritual purity and sanctity.  The ritual cleansing of the deck from all magnetic impurities should take about 35 minutes to do.  The Tarot itself will tell you it needs a cleansing.  If you read in public or at magnetically challenged areas, you may have to cleanse the deck more frequently.  If you only read for yourself, then maybe once every other month is more than enough.  Place the cards in a stack on your altar in front of you.  Take a deep breath, center the self and say, “Now we will cleanse the Tarot.”  Take a mildly damp paper towel and swipe the back and then front of the cards, one by one.  Mentally and intuitively visualize each card's magnetic purity.  Some cards will have more accumulation on them than others.  You will know.  As you are gently cleansing the card (this should only take a matter of seconds) you should find it helpful to also meditate on the meaning of the card.  If new ideas come into your mind, then take notes on these ideas.  As you wipe the card off, place it in its respective row in front of you.  This means that the Majors go with Majors and the Swords with Swords, and so on.  It is nice to see the cards in front of you, as they form a magical union with each other and protect the card that is currently being cleaned.  Once all of the cards have been wiped clean of magnetic impurities, it is time to order them.  Starting with the Major Arcana you will order the deck.  Place the Fool 0 before the Magician and order them so that the Fool is seen at the bottom.  It is okay if you do this the opposite way as well.  You will learn so much as you go that it is best that you establish your own comfortable manner of making the Tarot your own method, but some aspects of it are so standard that they cannot be altered.  The Minor Arcana and Courts can be assembled in various ways, but the author has placed his earlier tonight as Majors then Swords, Cups, Pentacles, and Wands with the Courts in each suit behind the numbers in the order of Knaves, Knights, Queens and then Kings.  Some decks have Princesses or Pages and sometimes you may wish to have the Queen as the ruler, behind the King.  Once again it is up to you how you deal with your own Tarot, but Nature will guide you to the most proportionate harmony of the deck according to your own charisma.
By: John Gilbert Noumenal Extrasensory Existent Society 11/22/14