Monday, June 29, 2020

Current Crisis Personal Opinion

TO VOTE OR NOT to vote? Voting=ALL Predetermined. Trump has the Money (besides it doesn't matter if he lost either!) Fake Tests! Yes I think so. This current fake viru $ was always one of the many options in the handbag of potential routes to the ultimate systematic sheep herding/corporatizing. They (the World System) already have the d-i-e-sease and its cure! Of course. Completely 100 percent. What about the mask thing? The dumbest sheeple of all time have arrived now, hence mask acceptance re-enforcing the convenient fairy tale. What are they hoping to do? Test everyone, make it mandatory for public life, needing a test pass to leave the house. A fake test of course, just an excuse to monitor and systemize the people. But this is not the real world.