Thursday, July 26, 2018

How Some TV Preachers Utilize Enochian Sex Magic(k)

Disclaimer: This may be taken the wrong way. Please do not think that this is to blindly bash or single out anyone or any culture.

Various forms of Illuminated Sorcery that involve the recitation of Biblical, esp. Old Testament ritual texts, sexual activity and the Direction of Will in order to affect and subsequently effect that outcome of worldly possession and/or goals.

WHO's DOING IT BEHIND THE SCENES? ...well, there are probably several hundred pastors into money more than people who actively engage in a ritualized form of this ceremonial-ish Old Testament diffused and infused magic(k) for personal gain/fame/power.  Power especially over the minds of adherents and/or victims of sorcerous abuse. 

WHY WOULD YOU CALL IT ENOCHIAN? ...well, enochian is a blanket term.  They may not actually practice the ENOCHIAN-PROPER, but in my opinion, that ritual is derived from OLD TESTAMENT YHVH KABBALISM.

IS IT POSSIBLE TO PINPOINT WHO?  This may not be easy at all.  For many who are aware of the sorceries of this sort, most likely do not have the education involved to interpret the variety of forms that the "controlling spirits" like to envelop themselves in.

IN SUMMARY: ENOCHIAN ELEMENTAL SPIRITS of HIGH KABBALA(H) are being INVOKED and PROVOCATED (aka PROVOKED) in MOCK-UP OLD TESTAMENT WHITE LIGHT CEREMONIAL on the TELEVANGELICAL STAGE AND MUST BE OBLITERATED.  This is coming to you from an actual OCCULTIST's perspective. As the Bible New Testament points out Darkness parades as Light.  By the fruits you will know the tree. 

White Light Enochian was an Aleister Crowley preference for invoke and erroneously, evoking, the Watchtower.  You may attempt to put some of the strands connecting each other here.  They are powerful NON-LIVING entities, aka demons, but probably worse in the sense that demon is mistranslated Daimon and has no good or evil differentiation.  I do believe the true spiritual people of any race, denomination or culture, unfettered by the illusion of this material world can spot these elementary fruits of wicked labor.

Lastly I do not believe any person or culture is entirely evil.  Everyone has good and evil in various proportions.  The point I'm making is from a spiritual or magical perspective.  A few intelligent, and good natured like-minded individuals will be able to penetrate these tactical medieval sorceries and seeing them for what they are, decipher their effectiveness, turning them back on their malicious perpetrator.