Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Access the Akashic 30

NXXS John Gilbert
30th Issue / May 29, 2018
1. Easter Island Heads Built By Ancient Chinese
2. Root Race Theory vs. Racism
3. Paranormal Research without Occultism is Empty
Easter Island Heads
The current explanation is that the Rapa Nui people carved these monuments. This explanation lines up with the modern day exoteric and materialistic explanations for things occult, paranormal and strange.
It is not that I disagree with the mundane explanation.

About two years ago, I did a couple in-depth “akashic” readings on these popular statue-heads. I did not immediately consider releasing the findings because it would not support the faith that these are in-fact Lemurian ancient monuments constructed by the giants of lore whom they represent. However looking through the archival readings and doing some back-logging, I want to share the preliminaries on the statues because I think it is corroborative to do so.

Ancient Chinese possibly First Century BC or AD. I think closer to First Century AD. Regardless of the precise date, I was stunned by the astral record left behind on these statues because they are generally regarded as very very ancient mystical monuments created by Lemurians or similar people, even by occultists.
Did the Chinese have ships and world maps in the First Century AD? It's possible. I also believe that there were ancient maps available to the “higher ups” even back in the BC times. I have reason to believe that the Norwegians had developed some world maps long before the Viking era. I also believe the Piri Reis is a map derived from Norwegian sources possibly among others, Phoenician maybe even Chinese.

Access the Akashic is a free-thinking work that is always updating itself and correcting inaccuracies if possible because of the neverending search for truth.

Consider the reading. First Century Chinese travel by ship or ships to the Island. They must have had maps and the knowledge of its locality. However it is also part of a massive magnetic ley line and possible vortex system so that would enable it to be easily discovered by Ancient travelers because they were more reliant upon natural energy as their guides. I also believe the ancients utilized ley line type energy patterns to discover regions and geomantic localities of sacredness. Easter Island as mentioned in Secret Doctrine is most likely a remnant of Lemurian times maybe Atlantean as well. I believe this region of the Pacific to be a source of much knowledge as to the genuine age of the Earth and Human Evolvement over the various cycles of races.

This leads me to believe that the Ancient Chinese in all their adept-ness to the ancient occult reality, had a doctrine as to the facial structure and proportionate size of the Lemurian ancestors who are written about in many legends, but now disbelieved by the mainstream world. However, the skulls and skeletons of giants have been unearthed and rumoured about. It should be assumed that the adepts of China First Century would have had more working intimate knowledge of the Lemurian/Giant peoples, “gods, titans,” and so on. With this being said, it is curious that the two readings I developed over a couple of months on this surprising find, related a story of Chinese sculptors working and laboring intensely to create a monument to the Ancient Race of Giants on an island that was probably known to them. Maybe there were other islands in the Pacific that aided in their travels in those days, it is not known. However the amazing aspects of this discovery, while it is still awaiting corroboration, is that the monuments are not indeed 10s of thousands of years old or more, but merely a couple thousand and that the Chinese built them with intense labor, almost nearing slave-like qualities in order to create a mystical monument.

The disclaimer for this is not to detract from the wonder and amazement of these mystical stone beings. Nor to deter from the skill of the natives, however, many times natives inhabit regions where previous cultures exhibited craftmanship above and beyond their natural abilities. This knowledge was on my heart and I personally had doubts about it, although the clearness and recent-ness of the activities made it easy to do a second reading and double check several weeks or more later since the time inbetween the readings can allow for accuracy as well as a clear head approach.

The theories of Root Races and their accompanying Rounds is mostly if not wholly due to Madame Blavatsky as is well known. However this has been one of the darker areas of popular understanding and still to this day, considered a potential source of esoteric Racism.
Let us set the record straight. There is no preference of color or race in true occultism. It would be absurd to judge based on externals. The Root Race in which we belong, belongs to the whole world at present including all races on all continents. (There was some contention about whether or not Aborigines belonged to the very end point of the previous Root Race, but this is more esoteric than generalized occultism.) Every person alive today on every continent is part of the same Root Race. The Rounds theory explains that our planet has an occult (or hidden) history of various time periods in the millions of years that accompanied evolutionary cycles of humanity in different stages of development. Evolution is not based on natural selection but on an entirely esoteric knowledge that involves the invisible spectrum of Aether, Astral, and Spiritual that are explained partially in The Secret Doctrine.
While no one knows the entire Doctrine of the Occult Humanity, Blavatsky and associates did not attempt to promote an idea that was limited to themselves, except a humanitarian and universal outreach to all peoples in all nations of the world. Anyone should be able to see beyond the limitations of the Victorian Age to which they belonged in some of their seemingly intolerant opinions that it is a matter of societal conditioning to which we have become accustomed that did not exist in the Victorian Era.
This may open up a bag of worms because of many unanswered or even unanswerable questions regarding the intricacies of Occultism, since most of the genuine occultism is shrouded in further misunderstanding than ever before thanks to many false doctrines being promoted currently. Sure there are a small handful of genuine fascist racists hiding themselves within a false Occultism that does not go beyond the exoteric knowledge of every entry level neophyte. Quite factually, you will be hard-pressed to discover many individuals who actually regard Occultism (note the difference from Occult Ritual) as a humane, non-judgemental form of belief and/or study.

Occultism as defined, for the most part, separately from “the occult” and “magick” however some inter-lineages co-exist within these bounds, is able to explain all phenomena due to its limitlessness in worldview. Paranormal research is reaching an all-time high thanks to the internet and access to information at the pinnacle of speed in western history as we know it. Because of many unknown events relating to the paranormal and so-called occult, ie ghosts, spirits, aliens, hoaxes, entities, gnomes, elves, bigfeet, parapsychology, past-lives, esp, clairvoyance, clairaudience, black magic, and ritualism, psychicism etc., people have a tendency to approach this kind of science as the rest of the modern, materialistic world would approach anything scientific in the recent history of several hundred years. How can it be possible that some of these parnormal events are genuine and related to various levels of sacred knowledge, yet misunderstood by the majority of scientific researchers due to the mindset inculcated into the society via means of bad theology, materialism and general lack of interest in freethought?
It is very possible to realize from an absolute and platonic view that much of modern science is based around our present technological empasse, rather than a non-physical but higher dimensional creative force surrounding our thoughts, emotions, inner and higher selves and the possibility of a primordial being within the Soul itself. If fifty percent of genuine paranormal cases are in fact based on some kind of objectivity and have basis in the phenomenal ie natural world around and inside humanity, then it could be possible that the research into such phenomena without the Light is actually causing the phenomena to exist and to grant it the life it desires from the human being interacting with these paranormal events.
The occultism teaches many things regarding the hidden nature of humankind. This does not mean that one must dabble with seances, tarot or ouija to discover these older, more natural theologies (not dogmas) that have existed much longer than JC-ity. The spiritual danger of paranormal events cannot be approached safely without regard to the Light.
Brought to you freely. Creative Commons No Commercial, 2018 by John Gilbert