Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Some of My Video Descriptions

JAN 31 2016

videos from old to new

A synthesizer piece created after I visited the Oregon VORTEX ~ The Energy Field of Mysticism inspired this piece of music created on the DX7IID my favorite keyboard for mystical ambient meditation love and illumination music~ copyright John Gilbert 9/27/2013 note:the piece is about 16 minutes total

Prophecy of the Astral Will
I performed this last night during the lunar eclipse.  DX7 II D synth.  Visionary ecliptic powerful meditation spell-working musical invocation of the magical force.  Non dualism, pantheistic gnosis, primal shamanic chthonic kaabi SI SA RA RASI PNYSTOR XIO eee si abrasax.  Bloodline working of hidden adepts Tibetan theurgists. copyright the uploader music by john gilbert art by thank you for non commercial reuse thanks again bless

Theosophy of the Aquarian Ahriman
occult properties of the lodestone shapeshifter turning at the conjunction of the moon and uranus by the alchemical sunlight hidden in the obverse of apollos, uniting the deity to the demon and vice versa by alexandrian divinatory numeration, in the aquarian age familiarity breeds contempt, no more, facing the west as monad slips into monad of our ancient geometric trypt.  music by uploader copyright john gilbert 10-18-2013 lunar eclipse

Hermetic Solar Ra
Channeling Thoth Hermes, a voice "Commandment to Thee: Develop Thy Solar Plexus Infinitely!" Solar Ra / Lunar Isis / Magician Hermes Trismegistus ~ Enveloping the Mystique of Awareness Into The Crown of Light.  Mastery of the Triple Initation ~ Heresy At The Dawn of Seth ~ Corrupt No More Because Of Hermes Trismegistus In Truth In Reality ~ Not The Mind's Eye But The Solar Plexus Guardianship of The Adept Seer In Regards To Triple Mastery of Solar Initatory Rites From A Time When There Were No Black Magicians Since The Highly Guarded Secrets of the Brotherhood of the Secret Names Had No Backdoors To Slip Through and By No Means Would The Gates Be Left Open, but alas those days are gone yet now, we see a conscientious reminder of ancient tributaries and caverns whereas Thoth Hermes Trismegistus did not fear to go! But wait, there is a lesson to be gathered when the leaves stop falling from the trees of life what must you do?? I would not fear those things need to say, go forth and teach us the Pymander as it once was, not as it is today...for tomorrow's seed of pagan resurrection.  Music uploaded by John Gilbert copyright John Gilbert 10-18-2013 Lunar Eclipse Yamaha DX7 II D

Sect of Saturnus
With reverence the ancients did bow to Saturn, With Awe and Wonder They Offered Up To The Old One, Before All Is Known Except For One Other, Saturn In The Nightshade of Karmic Igilis Goes Forth The Father Of Darkened Abyssal Time The Reliever The Once Mighty Now Given A Bad Name Because of the Serpent like Tail of the Mermaid. Born of Saturn is The Sect Which Bears His Name Untouched By Pluto's Flame Remembered Only By Zero At Time's Beginning and At Time's End, Surrender to the Silent Sect of Saturnus, The Aum Zero Gray Beard Sceptre Wielding Planetary Flash Lightning of Ancient Cave Dwelling.  Music copyright and uploaded by the composer performer John Gilbert

Etheric Shiver Rota
Ra Thoth Channeling Seeing Etheric Body Wave Astral Projector Cold Shivers Trance of Rota Tarto Raott Guardian of the Crystals enchanting polarities of opposites in union at the cerbral core of Thoth's guidance the higher mind of sat Tibetan Unity shifting secrets from asteriods to nebula of the non-dualistic cosmos.  Watching for a bump in the wyrd well, awaiting the golden dawn of the hypocrites of cthulhu severing ties with all externalities except for energy itself inside and out, etheric body awakenings in preparation for the astral current and the crown chakra inhalation from pure vortex light surrounding the planet, sending out the images of cancelization of the microwave radar cooking the atmosphere causing the bees to perish because they have no free signal bandwidth. Who else will speak out for the bugs...who are little people themselves?  The images and sounds that are being broadcasted across the planet are also creating subliminal waves in the air itself without needing to be decoded, they also enter the etheric and a minute part of the astral currents which must be brought back to Nature a.s.a.p. by projection of natural based phenomena & phenous with aid of the universal DAO.  copyright the uploader performed 10-18-2013 Lunar Eclipse music and performance by John Gilbert

At Night Great Demons of the Crater
Enter the crater at night on the full moon, burn the herbal mixture, contact the great demon of the crater to enlighten you hahaha as you laugh at the sky, wondering what other astral entity is watching you. Await the impressions upon the mind as you feel the air moving all around, begin to feel the tension in the spinal fluid as the Great Daemon awakens after a primordial sleep of 30,000 years. Will this incarnation be experienced throughout the planet? Will he become omnipresent for a short time while the vivifying incantation has revived his drudgery from the Abyss of Nosferatu in Ancient Time from Another Galaxy? music by uploader copyright John Gilbert

Occult Neuromancy
Divination by the neuron.  Occult Divination, Neuromantic Realization, with guidance of the electrons, bringing binary to vivification by electron fire, see into the atomic realm by purification and elevation through meditation and fasting, see the colors themselves as they are in reality beyond scientific so-called knowledge which ignores the occult hidden sciences We shall not! We will push further as humanity steps away for the new evolution of man and god of the hierarchical flame of Nosferatu Asatru.

Dowsing the Primal Piscean Aon
No not this Aon, about 312,000 years ago there was a previous Piscean Age~ and that is what is sought after ~ The Pagan Piscean Era of the Shamanic Vavel Unifier of Non Dualism in All Wisdom and Enlightenment In an age before the degradation of matter, most probably the height of the High Golden Civilization, give or take a few thousand years.  Do the math and reason that earth based existence is so short for each human that there is an obviousness to the fact that this is Illusory at best and Buddha only knows.  Here I perform a Royo Dark Tarot Reading, the only tarot deck I've seen without hindrances (so far, besides Marseilles) to a pure pythagorean development and I demonstrate to you how I have cabalistically reduced the pentadical spread as you see it.  Interpreting this for you~Hanged Man is very strong, your world is slightly upside down currently, you have considered leaving the situation (DO NOT) this is temporary, the higher eschalon has considered your plight and wants you to consider theirs. . . let us look at the overturned TIBETAN card #deuce the Hierophant. Your number one helper at this point.  You are alone, you are gaining insights you have never felt or known before, approaching the horizon of infinitude of the senses primordial, the hierophant has seceded towards you as an act of benevolence. Begin to engage the Hierophant through Will and through Hypnotics.  He will efface you promptly, yet there is possibly a few entrenchments or pitfalls, that could occur, yet I do not see them happening for you because of a few reasons. One of the reasons is your friend.  You know who It is.  Another reason is because you are not leaving, I command you in this way, stay put, the pain is temporary. There's intoxication and beauty, form and art but you are not watching out for your business affairs or finances very well. Watch for this....questions answered at will, please recommend all things good and beautiful to me as I will send you on a pathway of an occult hierophant, music by john gilbert copyright reserved note: the hanged man also implies the immense amount of waiting between the piscean age of 312,000 some odd years ago and between the ending of the one we are now suffering through (the prior one was far superior because of its ancient essence, of course).

Reconciling Goetia to the Platonic
Reconcile is a verb which means "to restore friendly relations between."  In this case, it is more than just friendly, it is Platonic.  To reconcile the Keys of Solomon, the Demonolatry of the Church and other black magicks to their supreme virtue and apparent origins.  Taking them back to their Tutelar origins and seeing the truth without the connotation of harmful or sinister.  As you see the second photo in this video is the remains of the Old Academy.  Let us meditate on taking back the Goetia from it's wrongful possessors and back to the Alexandrian philosophy of geometry and astral physics of the Natural magic.  The demons were originally aspects of nature, angles of light, demigods of the solar deity within, in the esoteric realms of hidden Egyptian, Coptic and Greek keys of prayer and will and science itself.  Now that the understanding is gaining acceptance, as my music displays the emotion of being free from a dualistic / so-called monotheistic view point on the reality of satan and seeing a non-dualistic pan theist non-separateness from all spirits and beings on the inner and outer planes, exempting those that are in (non-religious) reality harmful, realizing the mis-appropriation of such Solar and ritually philosophic living classifications, there is a world of infinite unknowables, yet we have as a collective destiny been unforgiving towards these principles rather than opening up to a willful unification of such theosophies as the hidden origins of so-called evil genii which were never meant to be sought after in such a fashion, and although they are not literally copied from their platonic sources, it is in a degradated similitude that we are bombarded with BAD (as in not good, not as in black or white) magic (mostly black magic, but some white magic too is bad).  Consider this as an option, now that we approach the secondary epoch.  Music copyright uploader, 10-21-2013, double tracked Yamaha DX7 IID with audacity, reverb, chorus, by John Gilbert

Remorse for Odin's Light
Expressing remorse for Odin publicly becoming a Light God in recent months.  I got to a place where I knew Odin as a dark god of the forest in a personal an unbelievable way.  I did not know any other conception of him whatsoever.  I had my own mind's eye image of how he looked (nothing like the images in this vid), how he performed sorcerous deeds and the esoteric/occult potentials found within his words.  As I grew out of isolation and talked to some of his supposed followers on the net, I found out that their conception and most likely the public at large, found him to be "90% catholic" and of an extremely Light oriented visage.  Unfortunately I did not catch this right away, as I tend to be open and willing to give other people the benefit of the doubt beyond the amount of time I normally would give myself if I were somebody else.  So now as time has given me space to recollect, it resurfaced into my conscious mind the ideas I once held about Odin (wotan, wothen, and other).  A sorcerous, dark god of the woods, a certain personage of the forest, the magical possessor of natures life found in trees and birds and the ability to receive messages from animals, to divinate into the past and future at will, the transcendent staff and creation of it.  To name a few properties my mind had conjured up from contemplating the norse myths into something living and filled with esoteric rites.  I express my regret for allowing others to shape my mind in this regards, hoping that they too would see my shamanist ritual pagan view yet this didn't turn out to be the case and they would like to make religion into a cultural identity of external ritual to be performed rather than an inner spiritual reality that deals with energy, earth, and the mystical abstraction of the mind.  That is why odin is upside down, his symbolic hanging from the tree, the corresponding tarot card and it's initiatory meaning, numerological conception and the symbolic runic secrets. Sorry for such a lengthy explanation! I just wanted to see if anyone else felt this way too...  Music by uploader John Gilbert copyright 2013

Code of Hammurabi
music copyright uploader performed 10-20-2013 by John Gilbert

Etheric Bodies of the Astral Doctrine
music uploaded by John Gilbert, created by uploader, performed and recorded on 10-20-2013, copyright

Alien Judge. God Jury. Defendent Deceptive.
music copyright uploader, music by john gilbert, processed, performed, recorded, yamaha dx7 iid true keys, uploader comments: An Alien is the judge, God is among the jurors, and the defendant is a deceiver, a short piece of music.

Kaabalistic Reflections
no description
published on oct 24, 2013

Kobo Daishi Blavatsky
music uploaded copyright by John Gilbert 10-24-2013 Occultation of the Moon by Saturn and Viscous Fluids of the Aether Ascenscion of the Naryami Unto Uno Cerebellum Ontolation Verify Uno Selects Vye GorGonAmA. Esoteric Buddhism meets Mandala Expert Blavatsky Meets Tarot Reader Occultist John Gilbert copyright, 2013 uploader rights, revision, reformed, revised, aquarianism, minor key buddhist studies. Horus and Set 999.5 Desire Illumination For Prayer Deny Me Not (KNOT)

Visitation by Kalki
Kalki is the pronoun of the entire ultraverse of earthly delights. Thereby we denounce the materialistic atheistic denial entrapments of such entities of the fourth and last Arialk cycle to our most pronounced and delightful luciferian horary exaltation which lasts forever since it is of the 3/4 illumination.  More on this later.  Do not question that which is previously abated.  Desire to be illumined by MoonLight and StarDust not by that which exists.  Visitation by Kalki is nothing. But an excitement by which more starters may flare.  Excite the starters. Begin the quest. Find nothingness at the primial.  GGG 803~~~~~music and upload copyright uploader 10-24-2013 john gilbert

Somatic Auguries
Do you see the Hawk Flying? The Raven Scrying? The Augury of the New Found Reminscence? Of The Other of the Autumn of Netherland? Desire My Interpretation For You Or Else The TreeSpirit Will No Longer Open His Mouth.

Heretical Pythagorean Pythonian Secret Society of Carpathian Astral Initiates
What may seem like a frivolous imaginative story made up by me for a grandiose appearance on the internet, it is not that at all.  There exists somewhere in the Carpathians or possibly Bavaria, an Illumined Heretical Pythagorean Bloodline of Astral Beings.  I belong to that sect.  Unfortunately I have not traveled the depths of Old World Soil at this point in time, as I am comfortable exploring my own country, the continent of America, yet religion and belief is contained in the blood so therefore quite possibly an internet posting may help to retrieve the lost connection of our mutual ancient belonging of the hidden teachers of a most revered, misunderstood and feared without fear, the tactful, most honorable and symbolic hierarchy of a certain occult society of this region and bloodline may feel free at their disposal to contact me at any time, psychically or otherwise. Atun Moriar. 33.  example of music copyright uploader performed and recorded just now 10/26/2013 by John Gilbert "Learn to Love"

How I Read Tarot - Etheric and Psychic
Accumulation of etheric energy, transference from the universal consciousness to the individual, astral channelling and other subjects are covered in this lecture.  A personal technique of arduous discovery is approached.  Other subjects covered in this are spirits and guides, dark and black difference, number symbolism vs archetypal symbolism, psychic channel vs intuitive guidance, Initiatory Tarot of the Golden Dawn, Aleister Crowley's tarot and its misleading nature, Luis Royo's Dark Tarot, every day a.m. general readings important in developing a psychic altitude, barriers and descriptive vs. non-descriptive symbols.

Clairvoyance upon Baalbeck, Deep Sea Trench and Piri Reis - Occult Divination of Earth Mysteries
Banishing instruction, earth circles, 4 directions, cleansing aura, tarot readings, astral forms, chakra alignment, cleanse.  Undersea mystery 6 from marsanomalyresearch dot com, psychic revelation, clairvoyance, fascinating things, respond here.  Mind connected to a mystery, levels of mystery, in reality.  Very mysterious stuff on the blessed planet, ancient forbidden area in the ocean, who knows? Mainstream cosmogony, transcending into matter and not toward spirit, forgetting our invisible friends, divine source, the other side.  The Piri Reis Map, divinatory sessions, Baalbeck, massive acheivement, generations, successful and enchanted, overview.

Enlightenment of the Public? Acambaro Dinosaurs Channeled by Shamans & Egypt's Airplane Designs
Acambaro figurines of Mexico, archaeological mystery of our awesome living planet, dinosaurs and mankind? channeling, shamanism, mystics, seances, trances, mysterious past, clairvoyance of shaman.  Hierophant levels of pagan spirituality, loss of Alexandrian Library.  Psychic discoveries of the past, teaches us of our pathways in the now and there.  Unasked questions asked.  Possibilities of the future, believe in us.  The general populus says they know everything about shamanism in mexico, B.C. supposedly, haha.  Fantastic things that dreams are made of, we shall find them, find us.  Egyptian airplane model, Saqqara Bird from the Saqqara Tomb.

Clairvoyant Research - What is Harming the Bees? Is Tarot Masonic? Loch Ness and more
Continuation.  What is harming the bumble bees? Why are they seemingly randomly perishing? Radio interference, air is more than chemicals it is a substance, transmissions of bad karma.  Science won't explain the hidden realities of the adepts.  Radio waves are air pollution including the content being broadcasted across the atmosphere, cellular, television, microwave, etc.  Causing undue suffering are the projections which are not beautiful nor spiritual, nor loving nor philosophical or actualizing enlightenment or platonic forms, harmoniousness, or other sacred geometry of life.  Theories only permit scientists to encourage materialist views in a way that religionists permit atheism.  The ancients had a science of transmitting which did not harm other life forms and the frequencies and air space in which they used, such as the bees.  They are picking up the vulgar signals and excess of warming up the range in which they communicate in subtle fields.  Difference of lineage of Tarot as a society and Masonry as one.  Previous Tarots from ancient astrology and the priesthood of Isis, solar worship, and symbology.  We're not talking horoscopes, but a vibratory reality of the cosmos of the adept and extremely ancient hierophants, brahmans and further back into time immemorial.  Coming up: Voynich mss, Amelia Earhart, Roanoke Island, Loch Ness, Cattle Mutilations, Stonehenge and others.

Clairvoyant Research: The Rods What Are They?
Natural phenomenon called Rods are being picked up by cameras.  The documentary on this subject is limited because they do not give a background in occult reality and the spiritual science is often neglected (as it is usually left out completely). John Gilbert looks at the phenomenon with free and open clairvoyant tarot occult methods to help you see the hidden possibility and explain the "Rods" in a more mystical and nature-based cosmogonical outlook.

Power Magic Rehearsal
Todays date is Twelve Fourteen 2013 I am rehearsing for POWER MAGIC my (k)new (k)hostile R4D m0ney sensational vibrational BLEND of Rock N Power N Totall. Original music by me.

The Spider of Baalbeck
\\I am the water of the Spider of Baalbeck,
I am the sea of the ceaseless turning//
Original synth music by me
uploaded for the occultists in time
and the omniscient scientist
"music created today"

There Is No Religion (Higher Than Truth)
Original theosophical synth music by john gilbert
rights reserved to uploader, 12-28-2013, recording date

The Hierophant's Trinisophic Pentangular Magician
created and performed today, 12-29-2013, yamaha dx7 with all the extra patches, occultic sounds and meditative kaabulahhh of the pentangular 1+5, rights belong to uploader john gilbert

Dec 30, 2013
chant and synthesizer
music by me

In My Thoughts She is Heard
Deep Blue-green of the ocean white bird across the mind of the world.
my music

Temperamancy II - first 10 mins excerpt - by John Gilbert
A 56 minute major work, TM2 as I call it for short, involves microtonality and microcosmic divination.  I used a divination board of a hexagon with 100s of numbers on each, and threw the dice to determine a frequency based from 1000edo.  I am working on updating the board and getting more actual frequency versus relative frequency (which is debatable).  Microtonality of the occultist can adjust magical reality and affect the brainwaves and contact hierarchical beings of the elements among other fascinations.  56minutes total, I will be offering copies sometime, as well as going towards the next more evolved areas of the temperamancy experience which are in the works.  Crop circles, universal harmonic frequency structures, sympathetic vibratory science, occultism and the ancients, divination, magic squares, numerology/pythagorean, cymatics, i-ching, tarot, the grand oracle, chaldean astrology, and hermetic philosophy all will find a Temperamancy suited for each field and for a unifying of those areas in all practicality.

Temperamancy II - second ten minutes excerpt - John Gilbert
As stated in the first excerpt, this is a 56 minutes work, and aptly a work in progress.  The second one will always be the emanator of the series.  My old hexagonal divination board will be updated for something yet closer to the actual frequencies.  This was produced in 2011 and took the time of a year to complete.  Sympathetic vibration is real, and microtonal scales can be created to sympathize with any frequency ratio in the phenomenal universe and maybe even beyond that (meaning noumenal universe).

The Arcane Schools By John Yarker Audio Reading ex.
Me reading and setting some synth to the great book, which even Crowley raved about in a review featured in the Equinox, which is odd given that so much material found within is attributable to HPB.  I pick up where I happen to be at in my personal reading of the text (somewhere around page 15 in my common reprint version).  Something to do while I wait for the transits to pass which prevent some of the window of licht.  Note the swastika symbol is the eastern one and not the ultra-bad one. lol. Another book which shows the goodness of masonry at its pure abstraction, when taken out of the context of the contemporary blinders. looking for stuff to read? looking for new ultra books? try these for a change in perspective:

Demon of Holyness
One day I felt a presence in the woods.  That's all I will say for now.  I know that I know that I know.  Either way, contemporary science processes altered reality into a bad dump off.  I hope to explain the reverse agenda of the fallen angels and the truth.  Demons and devils are not goetic in my version of the life.  Music by uploader, rights reserved. 1-3-2014

Song Titled Amber ~ Ambient Earth Love
Music and photos by John Gilbert, today I recorded this song because I was inspired by a tree that I saw which was growing in all directions in the middle of the forest where no one had harmed her.  When trees are harmed so is the beauty of our planet and I name this for her, Amber, a beautiful person, also a beautiful planet.  One day we will exit the current Age of Sickness and enter into Total Love and no more flesh will be eaten and all the spirits of earth will return.  The ponds, the lakes, the trees and animals and clean air without chemicals, no knowledge of those bad stuff will exist like we woke out of a dream in an instant.  I believe in you Amber, even if you're just a ghost in my soul.

Chemtrail Piss Over Clearwater
Chemtrailin' the piss out of Clearwater today around 1:00 pm. Seems like there's a lot of money still to be made on cancer and carcinogens is my only guess.  The implications are astounding. Besides wheatgrass and fresh juices are a cure for this anyways lmao.

Rock n Roll / Metal Jam

Life, hope, will power from the earth and stars amidst the chaotic transition of your destiny
Players in a cosmic drama, playing their part, the stars' alignments moving life on earth and earth changes. Your will is powerful if unwavering towards the dream, destiny or goal in your life with hope from the planet and from he stars' light above us, the tree of life, the yggdrasil, or whatever name it has been called is a guide to the never ending energy that the universe provides. Looking within deeper to observe nature and our will and our part in the current transitional stage of earthly life.

going full circle
timeless knowledge of the wheel of life, the wheel of hope, the wheel of destiny.  natural mysticism and the reconnecting with kindreds and the hope & acceptance.  the universe is alive and the tarot teaches this as well as respect for the living tree~the never ending manifesting life force. ancient sacred places of earth for meditation...

microtonal cosmic untitled 2
circa 2009 john gilbert

Limits of Potential - Trapped In Past Lives - A Lost Soul's Cocoon of Anti-Natural Materialist Dogma
will we be able to separate the false from the light? what light is spoken of...? is satanism to blame for the pythagorean devil or is the pentacle a most beautiful example of Platonic form? will the lost ones see the ultimate sin that has been perperated upon them to find their highest Monad of their heart or will matter condense itself upon the heart chakra and all other chakras to the point where Nature is denied her divinity and humankind suffers a further attack from the Lords of Karma far far back in the past, the occult teachers of today must learn the truth and discontinue their abrasive falsehood of sin when it comes to teaching the masses about satan, theosophy teaches a further and higher goal to humankind's evolution and with your help (to those who know, will, dare and seek) the light of knowledge and the saving grace of the oriental kabalaa shall meet our needs of destiny.

Trance Induced Philosophy
new jam by me, under the capricorn moon 2/24/14, all about the heathen shaman trance induced philosophy, instruments played by me electric guitar, keyboard, copyright me, john gilbert

Secrets of Life by John Gilbert (original guitar/synth music)
guitar, synth and electronic drums, created/improvised on the same day as upload, Feb 24, 2014 by John Gilbert, mystic, I play all the instruments. This song is about the so called Occult Secrets and Hidden Symbols teaching videos found all about youtube and internet elsewhere. I love internet, but basically the blind lead the blind, why would you follow the occult teachings or hidden symbols doctrines if they lead you away from life i.e nature? I haven't been able to learn a single thing from any occult or conspiracy or freemason video on the internet for a long time.  I doubt they will ever stop teaching their pretend knowledge on pretend themes (some real mixed in for good measure of course) but you all are being sucked into the doctrine(s) without knowing it (and without structural kabalism) just by listening to it and it just so happens there is and always has been a world-wide plan to ILLUMINATE every being in existence! that has been going on forever so no matter what "Why Accept Teachings from a Zombie?  Why not question the living dead???"

Mercury Retrograde Tune Your Mind Up
By John Gilbert, recorded 3-10-14
yeah mercury isn't even retrograde but mars is, kinda funny but there is a combined effect in all of this so check out my guitar and keyboard with monotonous korg toneworks drum loop

Le Monde Primitif - guitar and synth by John Gilbert
for the memory and praise of Antoine Court de Gébelin

Ode To Beer
Rock meets free jazz Guitar by myself and some synth (DX7 IID), appropriated imagery public domain sourced
remember: The Egyptians warned their people against abusing beer.

Goetic Odin At the Nexus of Time
Odin Visit Me Of the Dark Path of Peace and Truth. Video, Imagery, Sounds and Music, Production by John Gilbert On this Walpurgis Day May 1, 2014.  Do you know that stars can be seen in the leaves? Stars can be seen in the mystic's eyes in the reality of nature in flowers and in the sacred world tree of life...but darkness is there? The tao explains...eternal society...ZEUS so be it.

Song for HR
my yamaha dx7iid piece for my departed father of the dark.  song by john gilbert, fair use image in memorial to H.R. Giger, may you be blessed through the underworld and beyond, until the next life...i'm so sad all day, i'm indebted to your visionary exaltation of the are the LIGHT, so long...the best. 666 ~ Your Baphomet Tarot caused powers unleashed and I will be a disciple of yours HR Giger, man...bless

Reiterating Wisdom Amidst a Skeptical Majority + Casting A Spell
Doubters abound, yet I corroborate a few points from W.Q. Judge's Notes on the Bhagavad Gita and perform a spell of the Greek Magical Papyri across the electric plain. Will you join me in this theosophical occult discussion about the science and testimony of the ancients?

Also note I mention that cymatics is the closest aspect of modern science which bridges the gap to occultism.
I also bring up an observation that the left hand path and right hand path can be brought under the same esotericism as expounded by WQJ's notes.
Light workers have called me a dark one, except now we see that their action to bring about good is also not considered good by the Light.

Anubis Spells \ Descending Arm
Of the Arm of Anubis Describes I A E ~ Demotic Magic Scrolls Read For You and Anyone Who Desires A Working Interpretation Based off of Papryi Fragments, unknowable words come through by Egyptian Thought

Dream at Soh
piano playing
jun 22, 2014

John Gilbert - ECLEPTIC
a new piece.  phobos is shown.  they are sleeping...
aug 17, 2014

John Gilbert - Temperamancy I
Official music video.  Temperamancy is a mystical, microtonal, sonic divination into the literal transposition of light waves into sound waves.  1000 edo is employed serialistically thus each tone is given equal priority by consulting a board of 500 digits with 6-10 dice, half of the sides marked for the second half of 1000 and the dice number indicating which octave.  Then this rite is culminated into microtonal scales that must be computed into scala and out to Cakewalk Rapture to be composed.  There is more to be found out in this theoretical observation of nature and the divine, other dimensions, vibrational/cymatical/crop circles.  Get the results sheet for this work from which the music/sound was composed by at  See the Scala homepage  (where science meets music and philosophy meets synthesis)

Intermediate Tarot Instructional Part I by John Gilbert This video shows you how to work with card combinations rationally, numerologically and geometrically as well as with the essence of the Marseilles' sophisticated symbols for work in occult clairvoyance.
My card definitions can be found here
My Isis Unveiled Audiobook (HPB) is accessible for free here

Intermediate Tarot Part II
card combinations and the minor arcana part II
this is not found in books anywhere
the real kabalistic pagan method of clairvoyance (new weekly zine)
performed,recorded and reserved by uploader.

Intermediate Tarot Part III
A lesson in combinations.  This lesson has 3 readings with explanations, including a newly added read-through of magic art.
2nd reading starts at (32:52)
3rd extended read-through (55:40)
 Read my website at Contact with any questions or etc. (Uploaded by the producer and creator of the video).

Intermediate Tarot Part IV  Sep 9 2014
Tarot lesson on the kabalistic numerology and combinations.   For serious students of magic and clairvoyance. More info at
2nd reading/lesson (21:09)
Answering question (43:28)
Personal reading for you (48:15)
John Gilbert/2014

Polyphonic Neuromancy (Cosmic Music)
improvisatory noumenal music (overground, non-commercial, ex-avant garde, anti-tv) performed/produced by the uploader

Tarot Lesson Part V
Intermediate level continued.  Slowly work up to "akashic records" which is really only the subtle astral area where phenomenal events are recorded.  The actual Akasa is higher than it according to The Secret Doctrine. The Tarot has it's own (Asian) Kabala built into it, hence the Marseilles deck used here--it is the closest thing to the original source.

Cosmogony of Serapis
Music and images by John Gilbert.  Created Sept. 21, 2014.

Live Clairvoyant Reading on the Starchild Skull
Recorded live earlier today. John goes into a series of readings on the "starchild skull" which is featured in today's issue of _Access the Akashic_ based on this performance.  Nothing was pre-arranged or set up, as you can see. will take you to the zine free d/l. will help you if you desire a closer look at true theosophy according to HPB as applied now.  Learn Theosophy basics online Note: I mention the Andes region in the video, but it may be substituted for C. America or Mexico out of courtesy.

Temperamancy II
Will take you to extrasensory realities and let you commune with higher selves plus more than this.  (music 2012 and video 2014 John Gilbert)

Tarot Lesson Part VI
Another lesson in the series along the same lines of thought. to learn more.  Stay connected & subscribe.

ENTCEEN - John Gilbert
Track 01. RIDEAZ (32:00)
Entceen (pronounced Endshit) is influenced by Chief Joseph.
It is solo guitar in the genre of Naive Music.

Koot Hoomi Speaks
with John Gilbert,
(occultism, Blavatsky, adepts, Rota or Tarot, Karma)
Oct 28, 2014
If the people from ascended masters, or whoever you are keep bothering me maybe I will take it upon myself to bother you too.  I do not want to be bothered about how you and only you can contact the masters. Like I said I do not make it my life's mission to contact them and I do not see why I should contact them instead of Buddha, or instead of Gurdjieff or anyone on that level.  Why are you bothering me about this? Why don't you tell me what affiliations you have, who you are and what you look like (if possible)? Is that too much to ask? Look at how I am upfront with you all and still think that I have not done the beginning steps to higher truth?  Maybe I will make you all leave the Masters alone and cause serious astral disruption to your fake light.  How does that sound? I did not even know you had this kind of belief system.  I'm rather pure from it and have kept myself open to all sorts of potential influences and forms of thought unattainable to one-track minds on some mission to contact some beings who may or may not even want to contact you!  What if that's the case?  You don't really know.  Hehehehehe?

Update: This video has been up for over a year.  Now some people have finally responded.   I thought this would happen sooner.  I must force myself not to apologize for my video.  It turns out that there is an actual religion or movement based around the "masters" and the words of Bailey and even Blavatsky.  I am not associated with any sort of channeling, ascension or ascended stuff, especially not new age, nor theosophy.  The intention behind this video is to share with all the results.  I am not too concerned with impressing the followers of KH or etc.  I do not worship him or any masters at all.  I did not seek them nor contact them.  This video is a result of their association with me and their reaching out to me only.  I do not want to be a nuisance to them.  I do not wish to be sent verses from Bailey or Blavatsky.  I can read. In fact I read the entire unabridged Isis Unveiled audiobook (  Chances are you do not want anything from me.  As you can see I do not focus on KH or any others in my channel.  Why should I?  I do not feel that it is essential to my soul's progress.  You can believe what you like, it is not my business.  Send me your video links.  Send me your books in which I should read (less the ultimatum tone).  Yes indeed I respect Bailey and will read all her works.    If you have sincere questions, requests or concerns that do not involve "correcting" and "enlightening" please send it.  Otherwise keep a safe distance or I may start to find out if any of you really contacted them or not.  (It's only right).?

Occult Findings Around The Globe
Extremely Pitch Detuned Guitaro
Earth has a crap load of ODDITIES
There might even be aliens out in space, doc.
(fair use of images, if your image is here just write me to replace it, this is non-commercial! thanks a ton!!)

Subconscious Metallurgy
by me, three guitars tuned to my newest alternative tuning
low to hi it is C#, G#, C#, F, A, D  (acquired by internal resonant intoning) it is after a long time researching guitar tunings, re-frettings, microtonal music and sound art. this tuning is symmetrical and geometrical, not so much modal for me (12-tone serialism school and pythagoreanism) anyways be well and have a cup of tea

John Gilbert's Lordess full album
Track Listing:
1-desire (0:00)
2-udayagiri (8:38)
3-seven sisters (20:47)
4-lordess (42:24)
5-rain (45:25)
6-you never knew me (53:20)
7-i do (1:03:27)
8-trance flow (1:10:12)

(synth driven Earth goddess devotion Ambient esoteric magic Feminine divine sonic landscapes and soul)
I made this album last year, 2013, and finally managed to complete the editing with Sonar X3 tonight (I've always been a cakewalk guy).  The images are based off of my painting and digitally manipulated with Gimp. The only instrument on the album is my trusty Yamaha DX7, the IID model, no difference except for a few upgrades from the original and best selling keyboard of the 80's and maybe of all time.  Sales are not what I'm after here, because this is a musical art.   I think you will like this album, Lordess, because it's not mainstream at all and it's not trying to turn my ego life into something it isn't.  I personally love this album and I think I was in a special inspiration during the creation of it and it is bringing me back to that center of being right now listening to it.  The magic of the DX7 played a role in that.  To me, it's classified probably as ambient, mystical maybe esoteric or synth/meditation or even romantic, not sure.  Some love, a lot of love really, but also a feeling of being alone in dark wanting to share the experience of mind in itself.  Not sure how to describe it but you will feel it during the song entitled, "you never knew me."  Thanks for listening and have a beautiful light inside.  Music and Art by John Gilbert.

John Gilbert - Fusiony Malbast
4 track improvisation. drum prog (sonar x3), bass, rhythm / lead prs guitar, fusion/mclaughlin/bitchs brew meets my own avant style with all in the alternate tuning i have intoned myself. fun jam session here with lots of good chords and excessive amodalism.  picture: jan bas kala and the creator of the original song, recorded earlier this evening, everything is by John Gilbert myself you know it. rock on over london...

Razlmagl Jazztown
my idiomatic jazz adventure. just recorded this.  not standard tuning.  no thinking about chords or notes.  my name's on it, it's my work, my original piece. now you know who made it.  johnny g did it.  i'm jazzy too just so you know.  enter the jazz dimension.  enter the jazzmatazz world of razlmagl blues.  cheer up and boogie.  let's get cookin'.  did i mention i talked to elvin jones before?? that's right.

Amorak - John Gilbert tribute to John Cage
John Cage's Buddhism remembered.  Short synth work by John P. Gilbert.  Created today on 11/23/14 thank you. Awesome times.

mental mainframe cleaner
Play this for a magical mainframe thought updater.  It works even if you don't mentally concentrate.  It will help you line up every thought in life.
Content created by: John Gilbert

Song for Peace
the world is insane without it.  we are all alive forever.  love is epic (epicurean).  eat natural, be natural, be healthy, strong and feel great no matter who or what tries to bring you evil.  it does not win, the light of the sun gives life from the earth to the moon and back to you and i.  we won't die ever, except for the lower principles (1-4) and 5,6 & 7 eternally exist, coexist, coevolve and become totally REAL where there's less and less and ultimately NOTHING except the ONE in us and all of us.  and just write the words of your heart and listen to your soul, in its Seven (not just three) aspects.  Kama Loka, Parabrahm and Isis Unveiled are three topics I shall mention to you while I have your attention. Discover these things my friends and take the narrow path of disolvement towards the Absolute wherein there is no illusion or heartache.  Be thankful to the Sun as an expression of the Great Central Sun.

Tarot Lesson VII
Domination of Tarot / Two of Wands Initiator / Magic Kabalaä / this is not stage magic / completely live and fresh lesson-reading / not the stuff you see in tarot books! /! / all of this material (not the tarot deck!) including music and images is created solely by the uploader, thanks!!

Song for H.R. Giger Two Remixes Original Music Video
John Gilbert - original music and video, two remix versions of my original Song For HR right after he "passed away" because I was completely in shock and emotional travail.

Suwannee Song - John Gilbert
Suwannee Song is an original microtonal experimental short track with original video and images

evol you kitty
by John Gilbert (original DX7 music and image)  A song I wrote inspired by a crush I had on a girl (she did not care but also did not mind) and I just got this awesome cat photo of a talking, eerie-eyed kitten who was radical and cognizant of my human language for a brief moment of magic, so then i just renamed this song I wrote in 2008 (looking forward to uploading more old stuff that was never released soon)

Lizard's Mayonaize House
Piano Improvisation 2007 John P. Gilbert (music and images)

true life sonic / metaphysical comprehension / open the mind's inner senses during times of apprehension. this track I did in 2007 when I effectively developed temperamancy microtonal theories.

Color Seven
Music and Images by John Gilbert. Music 2007, photo 2015.  Sonic art, microtonal experimentalism, serialism, occult/music of the spheres, geometric composition, formalism, influences: Arnold Schoenberg, Carl Ruggles, Karlheinz Stockhausen, Anton Webern, Olivier Messiaen, Milton Babbitt, Ussachevsky and Antheil, my friend Robert Helps etc.  Non-musical influences: Cymatics and Hans Jenny, Crop Circles, the software Scala.

FM WAVE 78 Equal Temperament
A Microtonal Excursion. By John Gilbert (music 2007/image 2015).

I Love You - John Gilbert
Love music on solo piano.  Video imagery and music by John Gilbert (music 2008, video 2015). (the page I run)

Silver Strings (Haunting Slow Music)
From 2001, by John Gilbert, (image 2015).  After 14 years it is still very spiritual and haunting to me, now it is released finally.

Map 1 Read Through 1DD
Another of my 'piano rolls' microtonal variations (one that was at least listenable).  Microtonal experimentation takes oneself to a place of intense mental discord if not careful.  Not only did I pursue Microtonalism but also a form of musical dodecaphony within the microtonal serialistic / cosmic space. In other words, the piano rolls only served as a function for realization of geometrical chromatism within any ratio of proportion, even the transposition of laser frequencies and other such phenomena (even molecular  vibration) but not only an exercise of intellect but an attempt to make the audio spectrum without low or high.  This means that I believed for these compositions that the musical range is circular and the piano rolls / maps are the closest thing to a circular staff.  If you conceptualize the shape of a sphere into sound, what do you get?  Knowing very well the limitations of 12 tone music, although beautiful and cosmic in its own right, there are also many more varieties of experience found in the millions of alternative tunings.  The theoretical side of microtonality is limited to this day, and what must be discovered first and last is the true theory of sound and music does not come from human hands, but it is made in the stars.  And each note is a relative note to each other, similar to the stars....but this is not so defined. Image and musical art by J Gilbert 2007/2015

Oh Wait I Remember That Deep Dimension Again
music/image by John Gilbert 2007/2015 respectively. avant garde guitar

John Gilbert - Raw Electric Recital
from early 2008. This recording features two somewhat distorted electric guitars improvising on the theories I had developed for myself from my favorite music and composers, Helps, Ruggles, Antheil, Schoenberg, Messiaen, Stockhausen, Webern, Bach, Cage, Partch, so many others.  I also was influenced by fusion and jazz too namely John McLaughlin, Miles Davis, Sun Ra and Ornette Coleman, etc.  Listen for the fact that I don't use scales, just relative note placement and dissonant theory i.e. Ruggles Sun Treader especially important piece.  Image by J Gilbert 2015.

The Dream Eye
From 2012, based on ambient/love song from 2008.  A time when I was inspired to go in a different direction musically to fulfill many different aspects of human existence including the emotional/spiritual.  Yamaha DX7 worship.  Image/music John Gilbert (note: The cat is the coolest kitty I've ever seen)

Temperamancy II Pre-43
image and sonic art by John Gilbert (number 43 of pre-tracks written for Temperamancy II, 2012)

chord progressions from my frequency mode. the frequency mode is created from a frequency generator.  you start at the lowest frequency and allow yourself to choose the frequencies by the smallest increments. what is important is your self-identity with the tones you choose.  they will measure in hz. it is possible to transfer raw hz to 1200 cents, or more easily 1000edo in scala.  but you see, it's as if you have a non-continuous octave because you choose all and any of the frequencies which personally resonant to you at the time.  it's not that hard to understand, but it takes keen ears to not feel arbitrary when deciding on your personal frequencies of choice.  in other words, you have distanced yourself at this point from conventional forms of scale formation, including that of temperament as it is in typical theory.  the key is the fact that certain resonant frequencies will hit your ear.  i made this around 2007 so it is most probable that if i had access to a frequency generator i would choose different frequencies. i do not know the psychological implications of this, nor have i done much testing with it.  if you do not use scala, you could possibly sample each tone with whatever timbre you like, although the problem is picking a quality of instrumentation -- be it electrically sampled or acoustic (more difficult) -- is clear enough to allow for the differentiation of the pitches to be noticable.  there's much more to the idea, but i advise against pretentions in this area, because confusion can arise easily when you go outside of the conventions of modal harmony, especially outside of temperament.  so the frequency mode is temperament as a mode, freed totally from any confines except the individual's ability to hear the denominational increments of pitch. whether or not this lends certain people to certain types of EDO numbers such as 25, 61 or 97 and the variances found within those is not known.  what is known, is that it is very difficult to use typical musical theory and ear training in microtonal sound composition that does not employ easily divisible scales (i.e. 24, 31, 36, 48, 96 maybe). you may get the gist without literal comprehension which is better than pretending to know the ideas and yet not be able to understand them.  music / sound / image john gilbert

Methods of Intergalactic Shuttles
music and images John Gilbert

Tempered To An Altered Dynamic
music and image by John Gilbert

Water Lilys In Spherical Nothingness
music and image by John Gilbert

A.D Fokker Unesco Paris 1958 Lecture on 31 Tone Equal Temperament
A short lecture in French on the 31-tone equal temperament. A.D. Fokker gives a run-down of the various areas of harmonic interest within the tuning.  I don't own the copyright to this, but please consider that it is an educational piece of information that needs to be known.

The Greek Magical Papyri Read Out
Reading from the 2nd ed., Vol. 1, Betz, ISBN 0226044475.  I add my own variances and add margin notes to indicate the altered passages.  This accomodates my beliefs (what I feel is really lying under the translations). You can do this too.  The results of the magical workings are not the goal whatsoever, not in the way you would normally hear about.  It is more for the practice of ancient syllabic pronunciation and ART.

Horus The Beginning
Synth Piece played on today Jan 20, 2015.  I wrote this piece after researching Pythagoras' doctrines and life.

Final Resting Place of a Bug
Some comedy stuff I did way back in 2001.

Song for Dead - John Gilbert's Ode to Mayhem's
Ambient Acoustic / Melancholic / Capricornian Saturnistic / Guitar Open Tuning / For Dead of Mayhem / I Made This Tonight

Alien Attention Getter Song See the Ufo When You Play This Loud
nothing serious, that is, unless you want to see a ufo. works if you want it to.  i mean, it did for me anyways. HAH AHAH HAHA.  Thanks for listening.  Remember Sat will protect you from evil.

Prelude To A Dimensional Gate
Microtonal short work, 2007, J. Gilbert

Discourse on the Method of Microtonal Serialism
John Gilbert, 2007

microtonal serialism dialectic deux
another in the series of microtonal millicaphony / thanks to karlheinz stockhausen, blaise siwula, robert helps, carl ruggles, patrick geffroy and léa, gianni lenoci, gianni mimmo, hp blavatsky, and the gnomes of visual sound art

Repeated Motif of an Alternate Dimension - John Gilbert
microtonal, electronic spontaneous composition.  actually i am pleasantly surprised to have discovered this rarity.  it is a gem of sonic mysticism and i can't tell you how much i sincerely believe in the reality of the title.  Music archive  get the mp3s.  This was recorded in 2007.  Photo of Zeus.

Three Microtonal Works
Three works: Chi Robot, Mental Rarifaction Perceptoid, Mystical Microno. Available at All original spontaneous compositions.

Mephistopheles Lunar Deva
A dark shadow, he appears to the student in the peak of the night.  Hi, I do several varieties of classical, experimental, avant-garde and surrealist musics, this would fall under the category American Luciferian Hypnotic Electronic and I intend to discover more in this manner of sound and art.  Mephistopheles has been degraded to "devil" hence the underlying "hidden" meaning of the tall dark being, as deva.  I would like to introduce the world to Mephistopheles, the very benevolent entity from our Moon.

Microtonally Symmetrical Discourse by John Gilbert
Another long entity of string-time and tempo-meters in the dialectic of sonic interpretive discussions.  The point of these spontaneous compositions finally being released (from around 2007 when I utilized several pentium ii xp computers at once to explore microtonality with midi ox and scala and custom designed keyboards) is to give you a starting place to give-it-a-go into the realm of microtonal ear training.  There is no starting place for the occult serialism of microtonality, except fearlessness of accidental psychologism. The theory is amazing to conceptualize because it is absolutely not based on anything less than the actual total abstraction of the laws of music harmony.  The idea of interval becomes more and more intrinsically tied into the actual sonic spectrum rather than human constructs.  You will have to find out for yourself.  Note: I consider a lot of my microtonal pieces to be "microtonal serialism" only because the entire sonic spectrum and its infinitude of possible micro and macro intervals are treated to democratic and relative importance (although this may prove not to totally be in accordance with the natural, theosophical sonic laws).  This brings up the debate of whether specific tones are specific to phenomenal reality and objective in some way rather than being subject to mentality in the non-objective sense.  It's not as complicated as it seems, but the illustration of these concepts has not been circulating the western world quite possibly since the early days of the dissemination of the famed Pythagorean doctrines.  For example, do direct emanations of certain hertz frequencies coincide with certain actual noumena at our time and place in our locality of existence as a relative framework for all distinct phenomena no matter how great or small as in transposition?  The problem with such understanding as it stands is that it is so wrongly interpreted or presented as EXOTERIC when in fact it is entirely ESOTERIC and only known by initiates, if even by them.  It is so, as it is said by Blavatsky, even the sonic and light spectrums will also evolve with time--as even the laws of nature themselves are relative (and thus the stars dominate all).

Three Four Time Slow from 2000
An old audio I just got around to releasing to the net.  Listening through the whole thing reminded me of those days and the good feelings.  Available at  (hundreds more to follow)  SLOW, AMBIENT, ATMOSPHERIC, VINYL SOURCE MIX REVERSE REVERB / SLOW CHILL / GHOSTLY / TAMPA HEIGHTS / COOL EDIT PRO

First Rites Two Voices Third01
an old 2007 clip of some decent stuff that never got shared.  i was experimenting with various edits and experimentations. a lot of the stuff was tossed out because it only served as intermediary experimentation towards odds and ends of the listenable spectrum and what was approaching chaotic disharmony, which lacked form.

Temperamancy II Pre-32
Audio/Visual by John Gilbert (Pre-track from Temperamancy II final mix) 2011-2012 composition/microtonal/serialism

1000 Times New Art Cassette Part One 2000
Such a long and laborious free-piano improv session as among many of my older tapes from those early days...that I only could bear to share the first 10 or so minutes of the tape for part one.  The rest may come out at a later date.  I always considered it avant-garde, modernist, serialism, improvisation, free jazz, futurist, 12-tone, and eventually microtonal.

helloeverybaby 2007 microtonal mix
John Gilbert - microtonal mix-cd from 2007 or maybe early 2008.  the cd just said hello every baby on it so that's what it's called.  sometimes i just wrote random stuff on the cd burns.  a couple thousand wav, wma, mp3 files and lots of crap but some are being shared and that way i can get the new stuff to you. has the music archive of my stuff so you can get it.

5- John Gilbert
5 is a track from awhile back. just something i wanted to share. all of my files are or will be available as free downloads at a wonderful site if you don't know it already.  it is excellent in every which way. thank you.

Alien Planet Juggernaut
Om Sat Tat Sa Rom

Mekanik Destruktiw Kommando
Titled for deep honor of the great band Magma, this is second in a series of talks.

Isis Unfilled
Om Sat Tat Ram Is (I with two dots)

John Gilbert music/art - created 3-27-15. Tempered Painting III finished 4-18-15 serves as the image.  Avant garde/RIO/serialism/improvisation/electronic sound worship/doppler/cymatic

Tibetan Initiation Rite
The Egyptian Doctrines lived on in the Buddhist. It might sound ugly, but I make music for me and for fans of Alban Berg, tonal/modal/amodal/atonal/etc but this is about the Four (Emperor Suite) relationship to All in the Four. See it for yourself. You don't know what I'm talking about, but it's pretty simple (hint 1+2+3+4) now you see...the geometry of the cube. Become a shape yourself, concentrate and see the four-dimensional box (it's also a sphere). Improvised and recorded today 4-20-2015.

The Elite Tone
Music by John P. Gilbert recorded and created April 22, 2015. Microtonal Yamaha DX7IID.  Photo by Patrick Geffroy - Le silence du gris (The silence of the grey)

to keep silent, to disregard skepticism, to honor the true, to know witches
a microtonal work by John P. Gilbert (my twitter this is esoteric. Koot Hoomi (K.H.) is seen.  My beach pics.  Yamaha DX7 microtones.  Avant garde classicism.  Does this make sense? Why the title? Similar to the kabalistic axiom, etc., KH is not gone...just underrated.  I have been dreaming and recalling so much.  There's no meaning to some of it.  But the immense forests and places. Alter-dimensions are approved.  Witches are the new Theosophists.  Occultism is overshadowed by Hermes Trismegistus Reincarnating.  Outer space entities are not allowed to directly interfere.  Karma is upon the Wheel of Existence.  Buddha stands before all magic.  Existence is not empty or nihilistic.  Pantheism is the practice of magianism at some levels of the occult paradox.  Gnosis is the transpiration of excess and annihilation. There is no ending, as the MONAD grows, so do we...John Gilbert 666 555 444 321 Koot Hoomi IAO OOO AAA III EIEII

Human is Humid Mildly Blooming
Stats: My phone is $5 flip phone from net10.  I don't get Instagram or anything.  I have shite laptop.  Bugs respond to this sort of sonic amplitude beepings. I just saw a cockroach flip out while this is playing on my shite laptop.  I don't smoke weed or cigarettes. I just made this recording with Sonar X3 and Alesis QX25.  I don't believe in "dating" either chemistry is there or it is not.  I miss campfires every night.  Modern life is too controlled.  It will get worse, surely...maybe a few generations from here.  I don't even have a girlfriend.  This is what happens when you go your own way and leave behind preconstructed notions of reality.  I only drink beer on occassions now, not even to get drunk.  I stopped eating chocolates or candy. There is animal semen in all the cheap chocolate sweets out there.  That made me stop eating it.  Who cares what you eat...just ask me for vegetarian recipes I make a lot of great dishes.

friends of prose
the reverse side of being 'stuck on one thought' ---- now you are stuck on two thoughts which is becoming 22.  john gilbert music, date of creation = april 28, 2015.

Preserve Your Soul This Isn't Your Last Life
An Occult Message from John similar to Hermes' reincarnation.  Not like your ideas as they stand in the world now. But at least he is trying to make you know something from Blavatsky. Be well and peace my sisters.

Demons of the Mind Coming To Get You
Until you're clean, the devil won't forget you...
Hang on to your head....
Hang on to your head....
I love Gong and Daevid Allen...but this video is more about stuff in the Aether.

Mephistopheles A Pagan
A PAGAN. Yeah that's right.  Well, it's only April 30th, so what more do you possibly want? That's cool...Meph-i-stoph-e-les is he/she related to A-Br-A-Sax.  F**K internet with all these search terms. It's not true to (reality).

Gargoyles of the Walpurgis
Yamaha DX7 complete sounds. Another original piece by me. Dig in, eat your soup and get a load of vomation.

A variegated Semblance of Nominal Hypotheses
Set to Tempered Painting V images and music John P Gilbert

Xino Tryp
outside music. created/original/life/song/demonfree/jpgilbert2015 /visual/sonic/filamentoid/endexoterik

beaxt 000
000 the number of the beaxt. not a hoax. a small grand realization that the beaxt is 000 in reality. once again...from 666 to 999 to 9999 and zyxyxzyx. original music john p gilbert. 777

Audiocast May 9, 2015
Aristotle only knew the greats thus he was one, Francis Bacon was an ass-crack although historically important and not Shakespeare (see Mary Sidney).  Pythagoreans teach deductive method as did HP Blavatsky.  Sarcode of the Moneron - an HPB phrase still unworshiped.  Gigantic Reptilian Monster of the Mesozoic times.  Helmholtz, Heliocentricism, etc. "Don't get lost on me, REASON." Audio lecture by John Gilbert.

Another Video Where I'm Just Painting
home on another day. what is internet? hello? painting music by me and all original non-commercial sonic desire.  tags=GOURDS, MORDS, NORDS, SWORDS, FLOORS, DOORS, BOARS, OARS, EASLES, GREASLES, NEEDLES...and so forth.  You sound like ___________fill in the blank from a tougher male hero.  Have you experienced the set backs of an Alpha Male Tigeress World View? Seriously folks, signs exist in our lives by means of little things. Look around you and find out who are your karmic people.  Let's love a little and be happier while pretending not to exist in the alternate dimensional realms. BYE BYE

Guitar Lesson: Tritones, Scale Creation, Chord Jazz, Petitionary Hermeneutics in Dissonance, etc.
Not your normal guitar lesson, I decide to rip into some Carl Ruggles, making way for theoretical dissonance, nomenclatures of post-modal deductions, singular string tryptamines, avant-decision processing, and neurolitic enlightenment for the anti-negation of 13-tone rows amongst other more simpler topics such as 13-chords and scale-harmony in be-bop and soul-less jazz.

Four Paintings Set To Piano
My music and art. Tempered Paintings II-V.  For sale at

Beer Review: Old Milwaukee Non-Alcoholic
not a beer snob but i know my beers. this is weird though.  does anybody miss haffenreffer private stock?

Take Away the Cloud
sure, matter is not the enemy
but the worship of matter creates destruction

Abrasax is Hiding part 1
it takes only one person's development
~without attachment~
to the real secret doctrine not anything about
giving away "secrets" on the internet, which is not real,
but also through hermes or thoth and even satanas
through the esoteric and secret doctrines of magic.
music and video, 2015 john gilbert

Abrasax is Hiding part 2
a lecture. music and video by john gilbert.  (ABRAsAX not ABRAxAS)

Books I Like From Homer to Hesiod, Agrippa to Mithras, The Yoni to Gurdjieff, plus others reviewed
You never waste money trying to find out knowledge. Questions? Just ask.

Books reviewed in order of appearance:

Enchiridion - Epictetus (George Long trans) 0-87975-703-5
On the Sensations of Tone - Hermann Helmholtz 0-486-60753-4
The T'ai Hsuan Ching The Hidden Classic - Derek Walters trans 0-85030-311-7
Nandor Fodor Encyclopedia of Psychic Science (University Books) hardcover slipcase
Tibetan Arts of Love - Gedun Chopel 0-937938-97-1
The Gods of the Egyptians Vol 1 - E.A. Wallis Budge - 0-486-22055-9
Atlantis The Antediluvian World - Ignatius Donnelly - 0-486-23371-5
Arcane Schools - John Yarker - 1-5645-9306-1
Tibetan Tale of Love and Magic - Alexandra David-Neel 8-17167-338-4
Homer Iliad - Alexander Pope trans
Gottfried Von Strassburg - Tristan 0-14-044098-4
Phenomena A Book of Wonders - John Michell & R Rickard 0-500-27094-5
Witchcraft, Magic & Alchemy - Grillot de Givry 0-486-22493-7
Lame Deer Seeker of Visions - John Fire Lame Deer and Richard Erdoes
Black Elk Speaks - John G. Neihardt
The Harps That Once Sumerian Poetry in Translation - Thorkild Jacobsen 0-300-07278-3
The Tibetan Book of the Dead - Shambhala pub.
The Vinland Sagas The Norse Discovery of America - Magnus Magnusson (Penguin Classics)
The Lost World of Agharti - Alec Maclellan 0-285-63314-7
The Infamous Bell Witch of Tennessee - Charles Edwin Price 1-57072-008-8
Predicting with Astrology - Mary Orser, Brightfield 0-06-090572-7
Rune Magic - Siegfried Adolf Kummer (Orig. title Runen-Magie 1933)
Christian Astrology (Three Volumes in One) Christian Astrology - William Lilly (Cosimo Reprint) 978-1-61640-543-4
The Spanish Inquisition - Jean Plaidy
Egyptian Magic - E.A. Wallis Budge 0-486-22681-6
The Technique of Prediction - R.C. Davison - 1983 reprint
Giordano Bruno and the Hermetic Tradition - Frances A. Yates - 0-226-95007-7
Super-Physical Science - A.P. Sinnett 1-5645-9263-4
Spiritual Powers & The War (1915) A.P. Sinnett
The Mummy - E.A. Wallis Budge 0-517-67580-3
The Mysteries of Mithra - Franz Cumont 0-486-20323-9
The Bloody Countess - Valentine Penrose - Trocchi 978-0-9838842-2-4
Nightmare Tales - H.P. Blavatsky
The Divine Pymander and other Writings of Hermes Trismegistus - John Chambers trans
The Gnostic Faustus - Ramona Fradon 1-59477204-5
Three Books of Occult Philosophy - Agrippa - Donald Tyson editor - 978-0-87542-832-1
The Secret Doctrine - H.P. Blavatsky - Theosophical University Press
The Sphinx and the Megaliths - John Ivimy
The Golden Ass from Apuleius - Robert Graves trans.
Iamblichus: The Exhortation to Philosophy - Thomas Johnson - 0-933999-63-1
The Astrologer's Guide - William Lilly - 0-86690-555-3
Ayurveda The Science of Self Healing - Dr. Vasant Lad
Founding Fathers, Secret Societies - Robert Hieronimus - 1594770875
Sir Thomas Heath - Aristarchus of Samos - The Ancient Copernicus 0-486-24188-2
Close Quarter Combat - Major Jeffrey Prather 0-9715289-0-X
Witchcraft in the Southwest - Marc Simmons - 0-8032-9116-7
Soma Elixir by Venus and Sons 978-0-9743722-2-8
Sacred Soma Shamans by Hawk and Venus 0-9743722-1-8
Assassin the Deadly Art - Dr. Haha Lung - 0-8065-2620-3
Mind Penetration - Dr. Haha Lung - 0-8065-2852-4
Hesiod - Theogony & Works and Days 978-1-58510-288-4
Notes on the Bhagavad-Gita William Q. Judge
Beelzebub's Tales to His Grandson - G. Gurdjieff (Dutton pub. 1964) All and Everything Ten Books in Three Series, of which this is the First Series
Strange Superstitions and Magical Practices - William Fielding
Doctor Faustus - Christopher Marlowe
Tutankhamen Amenism, Atenism and Egyptian Monotheism - Budge 0-517-23380-0 Bell Publishing
The Yoni Sacred Symbol of Female Creative Power - Rufus Camphausen - 0-89281-562-0

see my art at


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thanks for subscribing and liking
but what really matters is that you watched it and got something out of it

Neckwide Interval Ear Training Guitar Lesson w/ Etude
download the etude here
catch my music archive here

i challenge you to identify the intervals and relationships in it!
if you need help on this and related topics just ask!
have a chillin' evening. word out. peace.
add me on your socializors
have a kick ass time learning avant garde bull krap
~john~ june 8, 2015
looking forward to hearing how much better you got!
you get better...I get better...

a pile of diamonds
music video. stay fukd.  micro tonal brand guitars.  watch.

order the sixth force
original music 6-26-2015 mystical / occult / trance / trip / electronic / experimental / yamaha dx7 IID sysex patches / john p. gilbert art/music ankh / 172bpm / gnosis / tryptamines / psychoactive substances / degrees of thoth / light working / darkness / invoking / pentacles / paranormal / tarot / creative commons

Ziplining to Neptune (Yamaha DX7 synth)
Yamaha DX7 IID Improvisation (unedited) .syx patch = RELOSON / inspiring / calm / progressive / classic. Named after a dream I had yesterday when I saw this girl zipline to Neptune. It was cool.

simple pleasures
dabug plays da mystery song....can you name that tune?

Patches for the Yamaha DX7 IID
Get my patch collection, I already deleted a lot of the junk that came with it.
The sysex patches sampled in this video:
#01 Godric/ether1.syx - ANALOFIN1 (0:00)
#02 Godric/ether1.syx - ATMOSPHERE (0:50)
#03 Godric/ether4.syx - SPACE 1 (1:40)
#04 Godric/ether4.syx - U-name-It7 (2:18)
#05 Godric/Piano08.syx - RHODES 16 (3:12)
#06 Godric/compst4.syx - KLA4-KMB.2 (4:03)
#07 Godric/syndec9.syx - waveterm8 (4:58)
#08 Godric/stringac2.syx - Str.ssimo (5:40)
#09 Godric/Synsolo1.syx - Prodigy (6:34)
#10 Jack Deckard/monteleo.syx - OUT THERE (7:37)
#11 DXShuttle Collection/dxfav1.syx - Bell-Swell (8:27)
#12 DXShuttle Collection/DX1.syx - Gothic (9:26)
#13 DXExpert/newage.syx - Evolve 1a (10:22)
#14 DXExpert/7V9.syx - 4t8 String (11:31)
#15 DXExpert/7V4.syx - low`STRING (12:42)
#16 DXHeaven/SJSU1.syx - GAS MOANS (13:38)
#17 XSyn Collection/CREATDX.syx - ¥RHODES 1X (14:32)
#18 XSyn Collection/MARCEL.syx - Solina (15:39)
#19 TX802 Converted Patches/TX802_1.syx - BABY D50 (16:45)
#20 Jean-Michel Jarre/MJFDX7A.syx - MEGA PNO 2 (17:26)
#21 Jean-Michel Jarre/MJFDX7B.syx - RELOSON (18:24)
#22 Stephen Ibsen/Space/Space01.syx - I.SPC 18.7 (19:39)
#23 Stephen Ibsen/resonant/RESONA01.syx - CURVED AIR (20:48)
#24 Stephen Ibsen/resonant/RESONA02.syx - MEDUSA (21:41)
#25 Stephen Ibsen/resonant/RESONA03.syx - SPHERIC 3 (22:46)
#26 Stephen Ibsen/pads/PADS02.syx - Dna-Pad2 (23:55)
#27 Stephen Ibsen/analog/ANALOG01.syx - ANALOG (25:16)
#28 Jezreel/BASS--20.syx - WA BASS RW (26:11)
#29 Jezreel/ePian-26.syx - Io Rhodes (26:57)
#30 Tim Conrardy/SPACE.syx - SIRIUS (28:01)
#31 Tim Conrardy/STARS.syx - Twin Stars (28:51)
#32 Tim Conrardy/STARS.syx - Frbdn Plnt (30:20)
#33 Tim Conrardy/Sweepers.syx - StarSweep (31:20)
#34 Tim Conrardy/SHINTO.syx - grit2viola (32:36)
#35 Tim Conrardy/TimFAV1.syx - SOFT SYNTH (33:19)
#36 Tim Conrardy/TimFAV4.syx - SPACECHRU2 (33:46)
#37 Tim Conrardy/TimFAV4.syx - EChoVibe2 (35:00)
#38 Steve Sims/SIMS98.syx - GANJA BASS (35:44)
#39 Steve Sims/SIMS98.syx - POMPIDO 87 (36:29)
#40 Clyde Jones/SOUNDFX1.syx - AIR FARCE 2 (37:25)
#41 Paul Beuscher/fx2.syx - DRAME (38:34)
#42 Jack Deckard/Bass11.syx - MOOG Bass1 (39:24)
#43 Jack Deckard/Deckard.syx - ALUMINUM (48:11)
#44 Jean Michel Jarre/MJFDX7F.syx - CALIGULA (40:42)
Thanks to all the talented people who made these patches. 
Each sysex file has a number of patches and the name after the dash is the individual patch being performed upon for that segment.  Some of the audio got minor blotches during processing so feel free to get the original mono wav file (Direct-Out) here:  If that doesn't work feel free to contact me.  To give you an idea of what this is like, there are literally so many patches that everytime you sit down with the keyboard you can discover as many new sounds as there are in this video.  Since it is nearly impossible to catalog the entire sysex library, let me suggest a few things: Try to delete any files you do not find exciting or that do not load.  It will prevent them from wasting your time.  Another thing: don't attempt any systematic approach to discovering patches, instead try to intuitively find stuff or just go for proper names and more memorable file names.  There are plenty of repeated sounds, but surprisingly (not to me now) there are always a few insanely original sounds. That is what I tried to illustrate here, is that there are intensely original and provocative sounds that are groundbreaking even still, but more underground now and less plebian than ever before.  I - LIKE - IT.  I found some new sounds during this adventure for the past 5 hours... but this is maybe 1/50th of the unique and gifted sounds...

Guitar over Rudhyar Tetragram 8
Spontaneously Improvised Guitar Created Today July 17, 2015.
Zodiacal Dodecaphony Implies 12 (modern) Zodiac signs and 12 (modern) notes by which all are democratized.  Karlheinz Stockhausen, similar to Dane Rudhyar in some regards, especially if you're new to the music of the 20th century, in which the most badass dissonances were applied to the understanding of the laws of sound/nature/music/whatever.  The Zodiac inspired the composer to create music based on occult properties of time and psychology.  Schleiermacher performs the piano piece Tetragram No. 8 in this selection of freely improvised and spontaneously composed guitar over the maestro's composition of the year 1928.  The guitar style is a blend of disciplines including classical (Christopher Parkening, Carcassi), avant-garde 12-tone music (Schoenberg, Carl Ruggles), shred and speed styles, bebop / hard bop styles, and obviously fusion (Mahavishnu Orchestra, Holdsworth) and prog-rock (Van Der Graaf, Gong)
Download the Music from here~

Elemental Bobep guitar soloing with delay
some abstract
some not
some for
some against
picture : Adam Willaerts--Perseus rescuing Andromeda

vortexian slam  (july 21, 2015)
for two guitars.  12-tone row music.  "atonal" music (aka dodecaphony or serialism).  no world leader has ever performed "atonal music" yet.  it takes genuine musical and philosophical dedication to learn to perform under the tenets of dodecaphony.  but I'm on to more and bigger aspirations such as 161,000 equal tone temperament as found on other stars in the universe.

ostentatious pajamas, a knight's templar melody in three freeky sections
johnny mnemonic gilbert improvising real music

saga of the world - opening theme
music by jpgilbert 2015 recorded today july 27, 2015
image: andromeda galaxy nasa/wise
keyboard: yamahadx7iid patch: overflow (tim conrardy)
asc:capricorn, moon:sagittarius, sun:leo, neptune:pisces

going after plebeians no more
"There is no Devil, no Evil, outside mankind to produce a Devil." -Madame Blavatsky, TSD V2 p389.

destined for obscurity
15 minutes of fame and then...poof

Rock Lesson About Modulating Chords
modulate keys, shred, thrash, rock, traditional metal, overcome obstacles of modulation and progressions. easy to learn.

DX7 Patch Collection II
Patch listing:
01. BELL A
03. HORNS 6
04. Maximoog
06. Rumble 1
07. MOD REPEAT (Godric)
08. ENSEMBLE 4 (Godric)
09. SORCINO 01 (Godric)
10. Arp+Bell12
11. Whisper B
12. *motorcycl
14. *Synclav.2
15. *Synth 12
17. MOOG-13 DN
18. CYCLES 1?
19. TOTO HMND1 (Chris Dodunski)
20. 155Sec.efx (Chris Dodunski)
21. POUNDER 1 (Chris Dodunski)
22. SLX        3  (Chris Dodunski)
23. MOON SHUTL (Clyde Jones)
24. WAH-STEEL (Clyde Jones)
25. SAW EM UP2 (Dave Benson)
26. Guit. Synth (Dave Benson)
27. B/Rok Pino¥ (Dave Benson)
28. S&H BUBBLE (Frank Carvalho)
29. HELLFIREMW (Jack Deckard)
30. ROCK LEAD (Jack Deckard)
31. SPOOKY (Jack Deckard)
32. STOCKHAUSN (Jezreel)
33. GrungeBow4 (Nathan Smutz)
34. Puff SqrA (Nathan Smutz)
35. GURU (Paul Beuscher)
36. SYN-CHIME1 (Ray)

Get the original recording
Get my patch collection:

Metal Ranch
a free flow thrash/death/off the edge metal bang out on my stratocaster. Mostly picked notes, strings are 11 guage ernie balls, tuned to D or C# (not sure). medium/heavy fender style pick are my preference. alternate picking. poly modal scales.

me jamming

metal terk
no desc

"they believe in ufo's but not in their own souls"
video speech. video / intro music by john gilbert.

frustration is a mother******
serious video speeches by john gilbert (video, intro music, words)

thrashin' out the alien space
with vocals

anonmist I
a 105 track album i completed around 2007. It is mostly an exploration of microtonality, in a serialistic setting.  it may appeal to fans of noise, fans of experimental avant garde or extreme psyche / weird.  it's supposed to be a natural mystic journey into the 12-tone row of avant garde classical music with the context of exploring many different types of microtonal ratios including those found in the light spectrum or in various chemical series or lasers...the composition style is free.  john p gilbert

Fulgornatus Ornate Lightning - Gilbert/Siwula (full album)
spontaneously composed album
John Gilbert guitar, Blaise Siwula sax/clarinet.
label: Konnex
cover image taken by john

advanced lesson
Link to get the tablature

DX7 Microtuned to 18-Tone Equal Temperament
My Yamaha DX7 IID microtuned to one octave of 18edo (equal division of octave) aka 18et or 18tet.  It's a beautiful scale. One you will be hearing more of lately. Granted it has its flaws when it comes to perfect 5ths.  It's specifically for a special type of chromaticism that I have been contemplating.  It's not easy to program the DX7 because it was built in a long-gone era when DOS was the most hyped out computer stuff know what I'm saying.  You can save the preset tunings for the entire keyboard range, but it is confusing imo.  Thanks

18 Equal Temperament Vocal Exercise
I'm learning this right now and here is the scoop.  18 tone equal temperament is a whole-tone / tri-tone sort of scale.  At the 9th note is the perfect tri-tone and every 3 notes form the whole-tone scale of normal 12 Equal Temperament. 

It seems easy, but I have learned this solely by myself.  I'm not all about over complicating stuff, especially not music.  It's as if the gods themselves placed hidden beauties in a scale like 18ET.  This is a great scale to me.  I feel that the semitones are not too micro, like they begin to get around 24ET and upwards.  I enjoy and want to enhance the vocalization, so this again is conceivable within our accepted 12ET.  12ET is a modern approximation of well-temperament or some of those Bach-type scales in which the fourths and fifths are given great tuning consideration.  In other words, 18ET is not meant as a replacement for those type scales.  The music of the greatness of JS Bach would not be what it is without proper fourths and fifths, and that sort of classical harmony.  This is not the point for me, I'm looking at 18ET for some other reasons than mainstream classical or even other reasons than experimental sound art either.  I am very pleased with the simplicity of 18ET so far (only a few hours into it).  It is nice to have a real-time exercise here and out there...

I'm not going to proclaim that I know all of the specialized scales for the new temperaments like 18ET or any other ones, ie 31ET.  The fact remains that harmony and scale are not subject to INTONATION.  The intervals of sound are mathematical, good harmony is produced by ratios occuring in the natural spectrum of light (i.e. energy).  These things have been known since the days of Socrates and I am not interested in pursuing extreme microtonal theory except in that it is useful to the ear and mind and even heart/emotion/soul and so on. 

It dawned on me while sitting at the beach.  If I was chanting a hymn to myself, I was considering what the step intervals were. I felt that they were a bit closer in range than 12ET.  I do not feel that 24ET is a great scale whatsoever.  I personally like 31ET but it is not practical in the keyboard setting like I am using since there are too many notes, yet it has beautiful and rich natural 3rds.  The number 18 is known for being a self-reflective number based on the concept of 9.  This is not my entire reasoning behind choosing this scale, although it helped me to verify my instincts that I was humming melodies slightly smaller in increment than the 12ET.  I do not despise 12ET either, however it does bug me that not many more people are beginning to be tired of the sharp major 3rds it produces.  12ET actually is a far out limit of the acceptance of the general population's capacity for semi-tone, not withstanding, it also produces the classical music of well-temperament and others without much strain to the ear and mind.  Modern tuning methods enabled pianists and similar keyboard instrumentalists to achieve a good tuning in all 12 keys. 

Microtonalism for the sake of microtonalism does not produce good music, and could be dangerous to the psyche.  However, it may enable another musician to begin to ponder the concreteness of his 12ET instruments and wonder what other alternatives there may be to his or her scale(s).

18 Equal Temperament Ascending and Descending Chromatic + Tritone Run
A demonstration of the Yamaha DX7 IID's microtuning function.  I finally completed tuning the whole keyboard after a couple hours.  Hear the entire keyboard tuned to 18 Equal Temperament as I run up and down chromatically and then the same with tritone binaries.  This is some fun shit because I do not know about you, but I LOVE TRITONES.  Fuckin "A" an entire scale worthy of nothing but chromatic tritones!!! In the middle ages not only would you be burned alive for this!! They would burn you again after you went to hell again!! Somehow they could do that just for 18-Tone Equal Tempered Tritone Chromatic Lines! All kidding aside, I just had to share this with you all, right now as it is being created since I've never seen anything like it in my life and I'm proud to find it since I had a shitty day, but this makes up for it all. 

I have a website of archival info, you can buy my paintings, learn about Blavatsky etc.   love you all microtonal freaks in the universe.  Let these "living spirits" of 18ET tritones live and breath their life in the world right now! Amen Brothers and Sisters and let us Praise Her Holy Name
oh yeah it is thanks

Fourths and Dominant Cycle in 18 Equal Temperament on DX7
18TET is fascinating me and I just had to show you this. I figured if 18TET has a high-quality tritone on every pitch, that it must have some sort of cycle of fourths to qualify the dominant chords within it.  I explain in the video that the fourths (in my ear) seem to be rounded off.  You cannot really hear a difference in them since this scale is symmetrical.  It's not like some are sharp and some are flat.  They are basically the same interval (mind you I tuned my DX7 by ear and did not calculate the percentages of each fine tuning increment yet).

I have some original scales on my website that are based on my previous studies leading up to this one. Some are based on divination results, some are based on laser wavelengths, non-repeating frequency modes which the ear takes the upper hand and dictates the entire audio range, and other stuff like chemical ratios and things. Check it. If you use them just send me a link I would like to hear them that's all.

You can check my website for other microtonal stuff.  I believe that it will not be necessary to claim "microtonal" as a genre or style of music, that music is music, good or bad, and that the ear must dominate no matter what scale or key is being played. 

Back to the video you see here,
by the way, it is a bit challenging to adjust the 12tone layout to an 18tone layout, but obviously there would be more difficult scales, such as 1/8 tone which is a preset in the DX7IID.  That means 1/8tone for every key, so that the entire range is merely an octave or two and sounds like COLOR rather than AUDIO.  But back to 18TET, when I discovered today, not mentally but in the ear, that the tritones with their bass lines create an actual dominant sound (as in blues and jazz and ultimately, classical), that the fourths (as they appear, not actually fourths but another quality of tone so similar) are basically two steps from each other. 

As in normal 12TET, the bass of the dominant is a major third away from the lower note of the tritone (i.e. A-C#-G), yet in 18TET the major third is a few steps lower, and the circle of "Fourths" as they appear is always two steps away.  So you basically have a wonderful scale that involves three chromatic steps rather than our nominative two.  The step-wise chromaticism is hard on the ears, as it stands, but when you see that every 3 notes is a whole tone (so a minor third=whole tone scale) it will create REALIZATION about the nature of mathematics and the sound spectrum and what lies in wait for those who venture beyond the 12tone equal scale.

Madame Blavatsky: The One Nobody Likes
Words by


Guitar Jam 18 Equal Temperament ? MICROTONALLY DEFICIENT WORLD
death metal style.  made on november 6, 2015. improv.
answer your questions here.
18 is 1.5 factor of 12-tone equal temperament.
easy enough to understand.
good place to jump from 12 into.
every 2 notes of 12-tone temperament equates to 3 here.
the fifths are out of tune, but on guitar you can slightly bend.

many death metal bands do not use power chords but single notes anyways.  death metal is a perfect style for this and microtonal music in general. you may or may not know the reason for it, but it is.

the guitar neck is from Ron Sword

the guitar is not totally set up and you can hear some indications of that, please overlook it. besides my old samick was a little bit on the fringes as it was...oh well these issues arise from being on the "outside" and have always plagued my work.  you do not play games with microtonality, it is like slippery ice on a cold winter's day up north.  trust me, it's enough to drive one insane.  this is why i'm taking a practical approach here.  death metal riffs are simplistic enough (talking about old school) to make another temperament fun and cool without being too heady or indifferent to taste.  i've also experimented at lengths with avant-garde and free jazz microtonality.  this helped me to understand the overall theory from a basic standpoint, and you can too, it's not that hard.

Microtonality on its own is not a selling point.  18 temperament is simplistic enough, mostly based on tritones and whole tones.  The phrygian sounding modes I played have a uniquely odd sound, but are soothing at the same time. 

Our distant ancestors used mostly just intonation.  This is a roundabout way back to the olden days...yet with enough symmetry (of equal temperament) to fit within our "modern" desires for sound to have composition rather than vocality.

I do not feel that this is groundbreaking.  I believe this is just another jam with just another temperament, and although we are genuinely in a MICROTONALLY DEFICIENT WORLD, that is changing, and there probably isn't any microtonality that will be looked back upon as paradigm shifting or ground breaking.  The reason is, well, microtonality has always been present in all music from day one.  Music theory does not exist within the confines of "tonality" "modality" or "progression" as there is some place beyond the realm of human thought that perfect harmony and sound originate from, and these mathematical principles (PYTHAGOREAN, ie) will never be altered, no matter what obtuse sounds are created...a 1 is a 1 a 2 a 2, a 3 a 3, a 4 a 4 and etc...This is the beauty of Sound as an Art Form and Music as an expression of human will and emotion, including the simplistic styles of popular which are mostly to uplift or elevate the mood of the listener and nothing more.  Rather than go on at lengths about STOCKHAUSEN's theory and how it fits into the philosophical impressions of MICROTONALITY, one must just let go of a lot of the scholastic/scholarly bullshit and forget about any rules and just listen.

#1 I'm having fun.  I got bored with regular guitar.  Microtonal options are rapidly gaining interest.  This is keeping me interested in playing guitar.  The 18edo on keyboard has a slightly different flavor than on guitar.  It shouldn't, but it does.  The reason is that guitar is the same neck, just different frets.  You are not specifically retuning the frets themselves, just moving them.  On the synth, however, you are actually retuning each key.  This is why you could potentially play 12-temperament guitar over microtonally tuned synth.  The strings can be bent and modified.  The harmonics at the 5th, 7th, and 12th frets are always at the same place, even if there are no frets directly at the 5th or 7th.  In any equal tempered scale the 12th fret=the octave and is present (in contrast to those scales that are not equal tempered or octave-repeating).  It is much more philosophically clean to use a computer or synth to experiment in microtunings.  The guitar lends itself to the same notes and there is a good reason why it has been tuned at 12edo for so long, not only because that is the standard tuning, but also because those particular pitches are clear to the harmonic choices available.  This is why we do not generally hear of musicians complaining about the 12equal tempered scale.

Crop Circles Access the Akashic XXI (Clairvoyance, Occult, Magic)
You Won't See This Elsewhere.
Special Issue 21 of ATA (Song = ATA Theme)
Occult, Clairvoyance, Magic, Meditation, Crop Circles, Extraterrestrials, Space, Initiatory, Tarot, Esoteric, Secret Doctrine, Free Thinking.
note: please turn up audio, sorry, thanks.
A very difficult and long awaited issue of ATA.
My pleasure in bringing it to all.
The doctrine of the crop circles is brought to you, one piece at a time.  A great puzzle is before us all.  Approximately 100 crop circles are given light.  There are around 100 more that are still awaiting.  Many crop circles were also man-made or false.  This is to be expected.  The year 2009 was the key year thanks to the key of the 9-pointed star crop design by genuine extraterrestrials.  Their very nature is practically unknowable to us.  We are bound by terrestrial life.  If they are from procyon or sirius, or another star, it does not matter exactly which star since we will not be going there anytime soon.  Be extra cautious when focusing on extraterrestrial beings.  They are higher dimensional, as in a generalized idea of the term, and they can come into our dimension and take you away.  Sort of like Enoch, but maybe not exactly the same thing either. The beings or being who decided to bless our planet with glyphs and designs of an esoteric and occult nature, is from a benevolent ET race of hierarchical beings.  They are from the hierarchy. This is very good news.  Some of the best news to know about now a days.  It is nearly impossible to truly conceive of their nature.  We must take stepping stones to each concept and idea that has been left here--it is our planet after all. 
The crop circles have always intrigued me.  I never doubted their authenticity.  About 8 years have passed and since then I have utilized my studies to uncover what I believe was always there waiting for me to do.  This pleases me.  Not all will agree that the crop circles (the genuine ones of course) are the real thing and they may think that some intelligent person(s) have manipulated the minds of the believers.  Unfortunately for the skeptics and those dogmatic materialists, there are no mundane, earthly explanations for the mysterious higher wisdom that is being put on display for all human beings in the crop circle symbolature.  This accounts for at least 50% of my certainty.  I also point out fake and false crop circles in this issue.  The other 49% of my certainty is from my heart, my soul and my special approach to magic and tarot.  T-h-a-n-k Y-o-u
My website

hobos on mars
anomalies...stuff i've found too
not everything is mine but some stuff might be new idk.
another thing: this music is equal tempered 18 notes division / octave with two guitars and synth plus drums / avant garde metal / recorded tonight nov 14, 2015. I used the following images. Download this ascii txt file of the image names since they were too long to be in this video's description.

5edo Pentagrams on Each Root of 9edo Microtonal Theory Mastery
A 9-Pointed Star of Sound that has Pentagrams on each note.
Very advanced ideas about sound and music in the microtonal landscape.  9edo based off of 108hz.  Each root note has a 5edo scale coming off of it.  Yamaha DX7IID microtuned.

Increment Tuned Micro Yamaha DX7
DX7 IID Microtuning Capable - Shows you the fine tuning increments in steps.  85/octave (-42,0 & +42).  Capable of 1020edo (85x12).  The lcd screen is hard to see.  I start on the C-4 pitch, each adjacent tone is the next fine tuning step.  I estimate the lowest and highest tones are somewhat near a 1/20th pitch possibly.  If you had several of these keyboards you could tune to a great deal of scales and sonic qualities.  Even with one it is so very powerful indeed.  Why bother with high-end gizmos for microtuning when the DX7 (IID only) has the micro and the rad sounds? My opinion only.  Thanks for watching, see my playlists for more videos in their respective categories.  I'm available if you need assistance.   Microtonality is a cooperative effort!  It has taken awhile for me to get to this...thanks again...

18edo guitar sampling
kinda showing you the ins and outs of the neck
without having to play through some bullshit scales!
metatonal music neck
my old clear body samick
about 1 step off intonation problem
nuts and frets not filed or whatever !
i'm losing interest in 18edo guitar
i like microtonal synth better
might as well play a fretless guitar and mark it off
this scale was probably used in India 1000s of years prior to now

anonmist IV ufo music video
my music set to some images of ufo's and related stuff

untitled 9edo piece with 5edo pentacles on each 9edo root note
microtonal song from the scale a few videos before this one about 9edo with 5edo scales on each root
(note: wmv format seems to agree with raw dx7 wav files a little better than mp4)

anonmist xi
j gilbert's anonmist 11 a pretty trippy microtonal weirditutde based on no other influences except an amalgamation of ussachevsky / carl ruggles / schoenberg / stockhausen / whatever i don't remember everything also messiaen sept haiki / but this is in the early days of cakewalk rapture / scala / 2007 / 2008 anonmist 105 track mega avant album of zero commercial impact whatsoever (images of my painting, "crushing the mainstream" from dec 13 2015)

Yamaha DX7 patch collection III
original wav file d/l
note: .wmv files are better at encoding fm synth/dx7 stuff rather than mp4's
I passionately bring you the third installment.
(note: I record straight in mono, completely dry no effects at all)
Remember get the sysex voices from me.  I went through them and deleted loads of dupes and other trash.  It still has some bum .syx files but you gotta realize how vast the professional and hobbyist collection of 80's dx7 sounds/patches really was...and still is...
Preservation of cool DX7 sounds is key.  Go through those syx patches for yourselves use your DX7 (mine is IID and I recommend this model...and esp for micro)
Anyways.  The album art is Swamp Thing and Enceladus with a DX7IIFD in the bg.
Use google search for 80's vhs covers and color preference...etc.
I can help you with your DX7..I've had to replace the battery and stuff and also getting the sysex onto it I use MIDIOX with a midi/usb thing.
thank you again

here are the actual patches used in sequential order
DXHeaven/PPGVOCAL.syx/*Vocoder 3
DXHeaven/PPGVOCAL.syx/*Space Odd
DXHeaven/TEXTURES.syx/Textures 6
DXHEaven/TEXTURES.syx/Slap it!
FX/effects7.syx/SAW DOWN 2
NAMES/Chris Dodunski/Ray-20.syx/Simmons
NAMES/Chris Dodunksi/perc-a.syx/JPN.DRUM 3
NAMES/Ray/ray-7.syx/LYTENING 2
NAMES/Ray/ray-20.syx/LASER BASS
NAMES/Jack Deckard/ bass_05.syx/LOW SPACE
NAMES/Jack Deckard/drt1.syx/5 22
NAMES/Solange/solange7.syx/STRING PAD
DxShuttle Collection/dxce1.syx/DRIFTVOIC

there are so many it's insane
i'm not into sampling many many many sounds at once
i like to sit on something for awhile and get into various
imaginative and creative mind-zones
let the sound take you out - there
good luck

original song uploaded and created on the same date
improvised on a pre-arranged theme
no editing
raw sound - no effects - no processing
original and creative music without 'the music business'
no record deals, no recording artists, no phony chord changes

this is my way of expressing love so don't judge
24-tone equal temperament microtonal tritone music
enter the plebiaen realm, invoke your forefathers of
the masonic "A grip" (see photo: american forefather Franklin)
circumcize your children after all they are "yours" and you
can do whatever you like with them!!!
Have a Merry Exoskeletonmas!!!

80's Synth Keyboard Chords Explained - Triad Suspensions + Simple Harmonic Transitioning
Aimed at synthwave producers to add some harmonic color to their songwriting.  I want to share what I know.  That is the reason I made this.  I know you can use something from it.  This can take your songwriting away from using the bass notes as roots of the chords you choose. 
I think it is more helpful that I am not a virtuoso keyboard player.  I have my limitations.  I enjoy learning new harmonies and chords at my own pace for writing.  What I am saying is, that you can see it is clear and simple enough to understand and apply to something you are writing. 
By the end of the video I cover medieval style vocal harmony (how I perceive it, anyways).  To me it is better that I show you upfront how simplistic it seems to combine various triads with different, yet related, root notes (i.e. bass lines).  Instead of searching the net for someone to explain something in music that is cool and also simplistic and realistic enough is no easy task.  You get more textbook style teaching and little to no results in the practical and true area of songwriting that is unpredictable, genuine and full of flavor.  I love the 80's synthwave music and some of the tracks I've heard are mindbogglingly great.  I just don't hear enough suspended chords / various ideas you will see here.  I love hearing quality musical knowledge behind songwriting, it is highly satisfying to someone of good taste.  My background is in guitar, jazz and classical etc.  I am no expert in anything, except maybe 20th century serialism and mystical avant garde.  But the term expert is misleading.  It only means that you feel a certain level of achievement that is difficult to find elsewhere and confident that the lessons you could give are at the height of your own studies and those of others in the field of study.  But to me, chordal music and even 80's popular music (like I say, prog rock also contains influences of the 80's and some of these triads with different root notes).  Instead of going all the way through a jazz-level training, the chords can benefit anyone because I took an approach that is satisfyingly simple enough to be of any use, as I have found many music instructional videos to either be too pretentious and book-learned for any cool results, or to be bothered by too broad a mindset and include too many things at once, or maybe just uninspiring.  So much of what you want to get out of musical composition be it songs or symphonies has to still (and I mean still) be done by yourself, with your own ears, and with your own interpretation of how the chords are constructed, progress through the changes and how you relate to them on such a personal level that is beyond anyone to flat out show you how to do it.

draconian scanner
song i just made sitting here
it's 1:09 am
took about 1.5 hr
i don't need an externality
this is the soundtrack to my own existence
join me if you want
no pressure
no sales pitches
no crap
i have to do this to breathe
there is no battle
this is the raging creek of emotion and bodily phlegm
mega-structures of the cosmic unfolding
developing my mind
philosophically with aid of nAture
select yourself and become what you want to be
and maybe more...
((there is an unknown))

CHEMTRAILS documented Jan 5, 2016
promoting diseases / cancers / pasco, fl
chemtrail antidote use parsley it is a powerful and rich herb
do not eat meat if possible
sense the malevolence
of judeo christian system

paintings i create
chronosophy I 5"   $48 + shipping
tempered painting II 10"   $120+shipping
tempered painting V  10"    $120+shipping
awakening the diachord 5"   $48 + shipping
pentacle 5"     $48 + shipping
proce   5"      $48 + shipping
tempered painting IV  10"      $120+shipping
stone age neurolithic futurist  5"    $48 + shipping
crushing the mainstream 5"    $48 + shipping
the akashic strain  5"      $48 + shipping
other side 5"      $48 + shipping
these are the set prices, direct from me
(music of 18et persian style elec. guitar by me)

heavy music
musicly heavy guitar
improvisation is my forte
tune your micro guitar to something different
thanks to:
zappa, mike browning, the devil, occult sources, books, tampa metal scene, death metal, necrovore, evil stuff, happy stuff, love,
death, life, hate, music, shit, god, insane, morbid, crap on tv, comedy, artists, beginnings, endings, equality, justice, music, diamonds (in the rough), elderly, young, sap on a tree, birds who fly,
predatory animals, godless atheistic scum, demons, happy people,
non-robotic humanity, the upper eschalon, cymbals, symbols, cans for beverages, lemmy, lenny, larry, looney,  carcassi guitar method, parkening guitarist, segovia, brand x with phil collins, did i mention zappa?, pierre boulez, hr giger, salvador dali sucks, giacometti sculpture, otto dix painter, l.a. county museum of art, high museum atlanta, the devil and stuff, tarot, headaches from brain scanners, thank you thank you thank you, metatonal music, creative commons licensing, neolithic stone age people, terence mckenna, alejandro jodorowosky, chris stassinopoulos, blaise siwula, marc, tom kersey, carl ruggles, robert helps, gianni lenoci, american death metal, noise music, julian carillo, harry partch, messiaen, slavic stuff, and hindus.

Essence of Light speaking with music a collection of three parts
tuned to pure tone minor
more true to reality
yamaha dx7 as always, the only keyboard you'll ever need
get the dx7 patch collection zip file from me
i support creative commons no commercial attrib but not offered yet here , we will see.
created by me, john gilbert
tonight early a.m. jan 29, 2016
anything's possible

beer review cigar city lager
tampa style lager from cigar city brewing reviewed.  first time tasting the lager.  another question i bring up, why doesn't somebody up the ante and make it a mandatory rule that all craft beer is bottle, can or keg conditioned?  also, where is craft beer going and where it came from.  enjoy the discussion, feel free to comment.  drinking beer is about pleasure not about snobbery or know-it-all attitudes (who generally come up short in anecdotal, trivial beer info).

painting for a half hour
live painting session with my dx7 patch collection music (pt III)
thanks for viewing

EXTRA ENERGY a new genre
genre for anything movies, games, music, films, authors.  in the future people will be able to do things 22.5x faster than now. even simple mundane household tasks.  this is creative commons.  creative commons rules.  the new copyright will be one step.

hymn of occult salvation
all praise the light of truth
satanic* hymn of elated beauty
love of all beings and natural elements
worship of the divine first ray of self eternally
divinity of nature and feminine earth
creative commons
all video and audio by John P. Gilbert
see my website and other links on the youtube channel
thanks for enjoying
*seth, sethanic, sat-an, a primordial first belief in the unity of self with a 'being' quality (see also old solar & fire worship concepts for an example, and also the term daemon as misinterpreted demon, greek into egypt and egypt into ancient aryan pagan --not racist whatsoever, ignore the propaganda-- but pre-chaldean Indian occultists i.e. wise folk) kindly ask me any reasonable questions if you want.

j gilbert grimoire of zolo
go to my website you will see a creative commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License for my music.  this is excellent.  now you feel the freedom of it.  music by me, image by me, interpretation and meaning by anyone who feels me.  there was once a dream by a man named Ives, "in the future everyone will create their own symphonies--soundtracks of their lives"

ATA Issue 23 - Shamanic Plants & Hallucinogens Accompanying Talk
For the first time any ATA issue has also had a video to go with it.
All the issues of this theosophical/magical zine have been released freely.  They are all licensed creative commons no commercial-noderivs-intl.4.0.
Download this issue at
And get the entire set released so far at

Comments and open minded, reasonable, dialectic discussions are always welcomed. 
Music by John Gilbert entitled, "Polymorphic Palindrome"

Creative Commons licensed share alike no commercial 4.0 (our future is in creative commons & you can still make money from it see

thanks for viewing!!!!

silhouette of despondency and anarchy in love
creative commons
various licenses
enables you to share your music, be free from oppression and give to the world community.  comm-unity.
let us see which license i shall choose for this upload (completely original, improvisational, music by yours truly)
CC Attribution CC BY (lets others use commercially, hmm maybe not for this)
Attribution-ShareAlike CC BY-SA (yes maybe but they have to credit you to use commercially)
Attribution-NoDerivs CC BY-ND (stricter, non commercial attitude)
Attribution-NonCommercial CC BY-NC (more strict, non commercial)
Yes i like this one: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike
CC BY-NC-SA (kind of fits me, but I also wish to sell my original vinyl releases of my material, yet allow others to remix and tweak my stuff but not sell it or maybe sell it but not without permission)
Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs CC BY-NC-ND (call this the anti metallica version of Creative Commons, since people can download your work for free yet cannot sell it!) how flexible is Creative commons! woah! try it out and never go back to traditional copyright bull$hit. so what if you don't get rich do you want be a butt-nard like donald trump? hail no.

in the beginning elvis created the heaven and earth
disclaimer: this microtonal poem is licensed creative commons 4.0 share-alike no commercial attrib. The music and words are John Gilbert, 2016.  You may remix and use any of it, as long as you do not commercialize it.  Youtube does not offer this copyright specifically so it falls under the broad, yet nondescript creative commons public domain header, falsely so, but nonetheless WE AS ARTISTS, will continue to forego this limited treatment.  Yes you can still sell your work under this licensing.  I may even let you sell mine, after it is remixed, depending on your artistic endeavor, as long as it is non-commercial.  This will be clear soon as more artists realize the future lies in creative commons for us all.  Yamaha DX7 IID Microtonal "FREQUENCY MODE" as I call it.  Never before heard microtonal sound composition from the DX7.  My own poetry spoken over microtonal composition unlike ever before.  My website is  All rights are mine unless you would like to remix and reshare non-commercially or possibly commercially if you contact me directly first and act real cool and straight up.  Peace my brothers and sisters.

Discussion, It's Not Appreciated.
New Talk
May 2, 2016
my intro music
creative commons share a like no commerci al

microtonal entities
for scientific real sound investigation.  dx7 ii d micro-tuned to my "frequency mode"  it explains the origins of animal songs (ie frogs/birds/etc) 
this is the base level of microtonalism in the world now
meaning there is no further research in the area of non-temperament microtonal tunings based on frequency (see Leibniz/Huygens/Fokker holy trinity of science and sonic philosophy)

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