Thursday, March 1, 2018

Under Siege Movie has Basic "Illuminati" Symbolism Tommy Lee Jones as Aleister Crowley

I recently saw the "Under Siege" movie on regular tv.  Oddly though, I flipped through the channels at the moment when Tommy Lee Jones becomes Aleister Crowley in a typical Hollywood secret message. (Even those old b/w sci fi movies from the 50's had stuff like this!)

Unfortunately I had to buy a viewing to capture some more of the symbols because, it goes without saying that any movie that shows a blatant Crowley sign would have others.  Plus Erika Eleniak was one of the first of her kind of female that pre-dated the millennial style actresses and empowered females.

Everyone has already seen this movie I would imagine.  I don't think in the early 90's as many people would have caught these stupid references to "occult" stuff.  
My take on masonry is similar to HPB's expose.  Freemasonry in itself is not to blame for the state it is in now. I'm not anti-masonic in the freethinking sense.

Plenty of other movies I watch have hidden stuff in them, backmasking and ritualistic shit.  Even some of the more mundane and less obvious movies have strange occult references.  The reason for this is shit.  Nothing is 100% evil it couldn't exist if it was.
The character of Tommy Lee Jones (the bad guy) gives a rant about "brave new world" and he was supposedly high-level, weird hippie guy in the Intelligence.  Then he gives a hand symbol and the classic Crowley symbol.  The point is to occultism like this is that it is a ceremonial and graded system with secretive masonic and kabbalistic ideas however perverse they may be when considering the true intention of freemasonry as it was in the older days.
The point is not to try to "uncover" everything and imagine that you can ultimately know the hidden meanings of all of these things.  
My point in showing this is because if they are hiding it from the public, then who are the spirits, beings, people, etc that the hidden symbols in the movie are intended for? I would consider it unethical.
Beginning credits " 33 " symbol of the ship's arsenal. Normally this would be overlooked, but it's more than likely an intentional thing because of the over-the-top Crowley thing.  
Brave New World speech before the Crowley (Boaz & Jaochin pillars of his hands...whatever! hah)

Later on in the movie.  I almost passed this one up (likewise I passed on the Commander Krill reference), however my conscious said, go back and get it anyway. Sure enough he gives a left hand salute in front of an 8-pointed star (partially obscured, but hey that's all that is necessary)
8-pointed stars are useful in a ceremonial or kabalistic ritual or something like that.
It's not a perfected science, folks.

 Before the left hand salute he did this with the black "veil"
Normally also overlooked but the placement in front of the black 8-pointed star is obvious.
Who cares? I'm not demonizing these things! There is no point.  That would only give the "false occult" power i.e. sorcery over your mind. If you want to learn more about Cermonial Magic, Thelema, OTO, AA, Golden Dawn, etc just read books about it and use your mind to decide for yourself what you think is true.

 This interlocking finger grip is shown before the Crowley thing.  Shown later in the film with the insider guy at the pentagon or wherever that was supposed to be.

 So he gives an interlocking finger pattern, and then the Crowley reference.  Many ideas could be drawn from this.  Anti-NWO and Anti-Masonists would have their reason.  It is probably a good reason for sure although I don't think Aleister Crowley is very well understood.  
It makes me laugh.  It is funny.
I don't think it is cool or evil.  
I think it is unethical to put hidden symbols in movies that the public do not know the meanings.
Maybe these hidden symbols are part of a financial agreement.
Maybe rich people have fun with Aleister Crowley?? Maybe that's why.
They probably ignore the finer parts of his magick anyways.
It must be to fulfill some kind of hidden agreement.
Do you suppose that they are performing a ritual to actual spirits and believe in them? Probably not.
 At this point in the film the audio of the F18 fighter pilots say something to the effect of "heading 33 degrees" etc and there you see that 8 pointed star.
If these secret planners of movies are truly into magick then why would they try to hide it in the film?
If this is some fulfilment of Aleister Crowley's magick then why not help some of the public to understand it without making it seem out of reach? I think it is because this is not about understanding the finer points of the genuine occult but to provide some satisfaction to financiers involved in the worldly system of politics. That is the only explanation that makes sense to me.  To allow this to cause me to hate freemasonry as a subject in and of itself is ridiculous.  Madame Blavatsky does explain how that Masonry changed spiritual forces a couple centuries ago.
 Strange 33 degree style jacket emblem on the Jones character.
 Obelisk styled coffee charafes
The exact same and very weird wanna-be occult gesture that Jones gave above before the Crowley poser.
It's poser shit actually.  Hiding false occult symbols ???
Even Crowley would laugh at this shit.  Maybe he wasn't the most spiritual occultist but he understood the basic tenets.  Maybe he obscured Kabbala through 777  but if it dumbfounds his followers and lay-magicians then I guess the sorcery has an effect on the average soul.  That is not really anyone's fault.  Maybe the christian church's fault that it is still misunderstood.
Theology is mostly to blame I would agree with Blavatsky.  Bad Theology and crooked logic has caused more harm than these ominous and black magical crap in movies.
One big blasphemy of real occultism basically.

I like the movie and it is a superb action flick.